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/ga/ - Games

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File: 1608527889503.png ( 876.33 KB , 1280x646 , L197L_sDsoo.png )




I don't get it.


I don't get it.


I get that the ! and the ))) is an epic Russian calling card, but that's kind of it.


bloodrayne. It's an old game about killing nazis as a titty vampire with police baton design swords..


Should we make this the /games/ or /v/ meme thread?


File: 1608527890430.jpg ( 161.96 KB , 440x471 , 200%regret.jpg )

Why not. Here's the one I made some time ago, a variation on the famous 200% mad meme. What do you think.


Quite fitting TBH


File: 1608527893925.jpg ( 590.3 KB , 834x1826 , V vs 4chan.jpg )

A classic


Can the mods edit the OP post to have the word meme thread in it so that people can find this meme thread in the catalog?


File: 1608527944012.png ( 474.15 KB , 1500x1500 , Gamer Seuss.png )

Red Button
Blue Button
Green Button too!

She owned all the noobs
and she might even own you!

She spells the word girl with two Rs and an L
All you Gamergate haters can go straight to hell!


Meant to be an ironic post, but its not a bad rhyme TBH.


>meme thread edit


Found this funny, that poor blonde girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLMkUKAiVDY


File: 1608527947592.png ( 505.23 KB , 1400x1400 , Snake Feet Suess.png )

The other Seuss pic by ZP92 (that I'm aware of)




File: 1608527995141.jpg ( 179.84 KB , 483x787 , level200MAD.jpg )

I've remembered I made a similar meme about Drakengard, how about that?


File: 1608528016006.png ( 210.95 KB , 800x757 , bethesduh wasteland.png )

A bit of a stretch on the "class disparity" point, but a classic nonetheless


Post some classic /v/ memes


Like /v/ vs cancer or something?


people who post this are retarded pseudes.


Why so?


Has anyone looked at the board description?
>/games/ - Games Vidya, Table Top games, Hopsotch, etc
This typo has been up for months


It feels like there ought to be way more memes, at least some mocking /v/fags


File: 1608528136197.gif ( 3.99 MB , 2350x1140 , Ghost Gals.gif )

Pacman was a favorite arcade game…. and Minus8 just makes it better


Does it suck?


Not in my recollection (not the same anon)


assblasted bethestoid spotted


Which one would you hug?
I'd go with the Orangette.


Post Merula memes


File: 1608528259493.jpg ( 126.39 KB , 1200x675 , z spitshit.jpg )

自分より目線が下の相手には噛み付いてくるギザギザした歯のIL-2 (1941)。タラーン攻撃でプロペラがりがり。


translation please


File: 1608528269047-0.png ( 718.1 KB , 946x855 , New Vegas.png )

File: 1608528269047-1.png ( 417.92 KB , 631x785 , new turn to be protag.png )

File: 1608528269047-2.jpg ( 804.51 KB , 1837x925 , disco elysium.jpg )



File: 1608528269623-0.jpg ( 261.86 KB , 699x917 , disco elysium last comm.jpg )

File: 1608528269623-1.mp4 ( 18.81 MB , 1280x720 , Tonight We Riot.mp4 )



File: 1608528270981-0.jpg ( 214.58 KB , 1920x1080 , wargame 3.jpg )

File: 1608528270981-1.jpg ( 119.56 KB , 1024x963 , wargame 2.jpg )

File: 1608528270981-2.png ( 223.09 KB , 494x590 , wargame 1.png )



left to right
Femme Fatale, Sexy Smug Partygirl, Tomboy, Cool Nerd


File: 1608528272150.jpg ( 118.91 KB , 718x889 , late term abortion boruto.jpg )

Post some Jumpforce memes m8s that unfortunate trashfire has plenty to go around.


unsubtle social media garbage thread


File: 1608528275527.png ( 184.06 KB , 485x301 , Be Silent worm.png )

>sagefag is assmad again
&ltgot kicked off /anime/ so he's shitting up the board here now with whining

1) Chans ARE social media you retard, just anonymous
2) It's a fucking meme thread, this has nothing to do with any other social media or "muh ecelebs" as you love to whine about.

Stay mad 4cuck.


Reminder that Serbs weren't communists, they betrayed Tito's principles so they could hijack the federal government and create a greater s*rb empire.


This post brought to you by NATOgang


What the fuck are you talking about you fucking schizo


>hurr schizo
No argument.
There is a consistent spammer who uses sage as a reddit downvote and posts the same content every time "hurr this thread is shit", "Hurr muh soshul mediu!!!", "Hurr muh ecelebs"

It's the exact same garbage for months on both /anime/ and /games/. It's obvious samefag spam.


Post memes or go away


File: 1608528285283.png ( 1.33 MB , 842x1037 , zx8yfuv8i2441.png )

>meme thread
>all whining and almost no memes


File: 1608528285447-1.jpg ( 164.68 KB , 1600x900 , ostrichhammer.jpg )

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Let's get the thread going again.

(pic 1 translation: History teacher, Physics teacher)


File: 1608528286350.png ( 465.05 KB , 720x1280 , panties on a video game co….png )

>almost no memes
&lt*scrolls up past the 6 or so whining comments* Huh?
But you're right about whinging.


>pic 3
It would be funny if that was modded into a game and shattered in one hit.


File: 1608528297457-0.png ( 70.58 KB , 1156x943 , Tok gf.png )

File: 1608528297457-1.png ( 229.87 KB , 600x717 , It's Tok time.png )

File: 1608528297457-2.jpg ( 169.88 KB , 715x499 , tokhaar everything.jpg )

CYOA memes


File: 1608528309129.jpg ( 182.73 KB , 780x1280 , nYUSXm--2M8.jpg )



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I can't breed…


i really really like this picture


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File: 1610242306706-1.jpg ( 9.09 KB , 240x147 , suffer_with_me.jpg )



damn these dwellers are commiting ghoul genocide


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File: 1622396543947.mp4 ( 12.77 MB , 1280x720 , CSGO's Casual Mode.mp4 )

>flood detected


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This game was one of the best games ever.


house may suck ass but at least hes better than the NCR/LARPgion. yesman is good too.


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Gamergate was the last beacon of leftism in the internet




sauce on the top picture?


not cuming to my posts


File: 1625462822060.jpg ( 107 KB , 1024x664 , 1625461560341m.jpg )




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