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 No.2314[View All]

I think this game is on to something lads
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did you really expect that to be the starting point for the game? literally everything in the plot was building up to that moment as being the final confrontation, personally i sort of expected to die during it


Magical realism


"It was real. I'd seen it. I'd seen it *in reality*."
>"The mask of humanity fall from capital. It has to take it off to kill everyone – everything you love; all the hope and tenderness in the word. It has to take it off, just for one second. To do the deed."
>"And then you see it. As it strangles and beats your friends to death… the sweetest most courageous people in the world," he's silent for a second. "You see the fear and power in its eyes. Then you *know*."
>"That the bourgeois are not human."


anyone confused by people saying that this game was about letting go of the ideals of communism or something?

Maybe it's a valid explanation if you weren't a completionist that explored all the dialogue options, but there was so much text about how lively, young, and healthy the Deserter was.

However, as soon as the realisation that he was going to be arrested happened, he turned lifeless, and into a shell.

The phasmid becoming material happens right after the Deserter becomes lifeless. There's a small bit of flavor text, but my phasmid left me saying to continue working towards the Revolution and the workers. Right after the conversation ends, the Phasmid runs away. Also, remember to consider that there was text implying that the phasmid itself was giving the Deserter the will to keep going.

The disappearance of the Phasmid and the lifelessness of the Deserter lines up too well for me to accept the mainstream talk of "hatred and anger" made him "lifeless". It has been despair, and it has been like that for each and every one of the characters, especially Harry, that keeps people teetering between life and death.


>anyone confused by people saying that this game was about letting go of the ideals of communism or something?
Never heard this interpretation but not surprised that people would make up shit like this to not have to admit the game is blatantly biased towards leftism.
I think your post is basically correct. Disco Elysium is clearly a game about finding a way to keep going after failure, not embracing desistance. These are two very different things. As you mention, the conversation with the phasmid is arguably the key scene for the entire game. The point is that humans are capable of tremendous, terrifying things, and this is where we can find hope even after failing miserably, again and again. Hence "you are a violent and irrepressible miracle". The only way to see the game as an apologia for pessimism is by ignoring this scene altogether.
It's crazy to me that anyone could play a game that is transparently an allegory for Eastern Europe after the fall of communism (although, obviously, with plenty of details from other places and historical moments mixed in) and think the point is to just accept all the misery as it is.


Phasmid is the spectre that is haunting Revachol


its here lads


What is?


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Content update with new quests for each political alignment, new area, and full voice acting. Personally not a fan of the narrator/skills all having the same voice actor. I miss Cuno's old voice actor


it should be able to, there was an update last year called the "Working Class Update" that was specifically meant to make it work on old dusty toasters


how are the "political vision quests"? are they just little side quests related to the politics you choose?


I've been taking my time with the game (only on day 2) but it looks like they should be pretty sizeable based on what I've read of them. They seem to be the biggest piece of cut content ZA/UM were itching to put back in. I'll get back to you once I'm able to go through one of them.


nice, i actually just started my 2nd playthru. played it once last year. doing hardcore mode with balanced stats/signature skill shivers, communist politics, other than that ill just see how it plays out


You miss Cuno's voice not clipping constantly.


Didn't play this game but just bringing it up unprompted seems to send /v/edditors into a fuming rage on cuckchan


they activate on day 4 after a dream sequence and a thought bubble orb. however, according to an article there is only one political vision quest per playthrough, in that you can only start one at a time.


additionally, you must have the respective thought completed in the thought cabinet for it to initiate. for example, having thoughts in kras mazovian economics for the communism political vision.


Funny enough it was well received when it first came out. Then it was brought to attention that the developers were Marxists and they had to hate it reflexively.


make sure you guys play the moralintern questline


to add, it's a rare instance in a video game where i felt legitimate fear. idk


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You need to play more arcade challenges.


The children aren't ready for that kind of intensity, Anon.


>artificial difficulty to get more bash off children
So true!


All difficulty is artificial, mate. It's kinda the point of it.


Do I need to play a lib to get on it?


Centrist lib and it’s pretty annoying to get bc you’ve gotta finish the entire church quest and meet w the Sunday friend


I dont really understand how this game got branded as "reddit." Obviously people throw the term around for anything they dont like, and reddit likes a lot of pseud shit with childish "dark" themes and 2smart4u humor, but you'd have to be extremely cynical to play this game and think that describes it. Overall its very unpretentious and has absolutely exceptional writing for a video game, and it is funny, that doesnt make it "epic" or "reddit." Yeah it's a lot of reading and conceptual stuff, it's not for everybody, but not everybody needs to play it. Everything it tries to do it does well.


>I dont really understand how this game got branded as "reddit."
It did?


ive seen people on 4chan describe it that way


It was about letting go of the past. Harry failing to move on from his ex wife, the two old men failing to move on from the woman. The old couple failing to move on from that insect that she saw. Titus failing to move on from Kaseje to see the whole situation objectively, Kaseje literally being unable to move on from her past. Even the pale itself is condensed memories. The communist unable to let the defeat go. Even your police station can't seem to let you go. The insect called Harry a miracle precisely of how he lost his memories.

Only the communists seemed interested in doing something new. Evart and his Union were doing socialism the syndicalist way, instead of the party way like Mazov. Cindy doing her art by painting the words in motor oil. By contrast Joyce is pessimistic as fuck and laments about the state of the world all the time, Gary and the racists whine about stuff in a bitter manner.


leftism = bad = reddit
ignore the fact that the right-wing idpol side of /v/ festered on reddit until they generated their own subculture


Pretty big chunk of /v/ jerked themselves raw over the game calling everyone who didn't like it a brainlet zoomer, up until the devs gave shoutouts to M&E and their pavlovian conditioning activated.


>make sure you guys play the moralintern questline
I did and I didn't get what's so special about it. I guess I've missed a tonne of checks, esp. because I haven't even internalized Moralism. So, you call HMS Archer and get picked up by glowies. But, apart from some lore on moralism (which doesn't really add much) and getting that they are men with 3000 years plan, there is no grand catharsis or anything.

I liked Communist quest and matchbox tower/comment on "belief in a better future" much better.


>Do I need to play a lib to get on it?
I played as a Communist, and merely added Kingdom of consciousness to thought cabinet (without internalizing it)


In retrospect, I was quite literally spooked and absorbed into the atmosphere. It’s nothing really special, but yeah the communist one was nice


The average /v/ user couldn't handle the emotional toll of playing the game because they saw too much of themselves in Gary and the Racist Lorry Driver.


Am I the only one who hated the ending? It's supposed to be a murder mystery (at least that's why I bought it) and it turned out your detecting skills were for naught, the murders is some literally who who isn't even connected to anything in the plot at all.


The road is more important than the destination. Also, everything is connected with everything.


Nah, it seems like the endings wasn't connected to anything. It's a true detective story if you can't at least attempt to deduce it yourself.


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Video games are inspired by real life?!


I just think it's a really fascinating concept; surprised that (afaik) no-one has come up with it before.


Also "releasing radioactive waste into River Esperance" has to be at least partially inspired by the West Lake Landfill in St Louis? It's pleasantly surprising to see potential Midwestern influence in a game like this. I'm imagining an alternative future St Louis where a "People's Pile" was formed on the centennial of the 1877 General Strike, lol


>alternative future
or alternate history, I suppose


Just finished it. Found the ending parts very disappointing tbh. Was pretty fun the whole way through, left kind of disapointed though.


It's connected the Harry. The game is about him more than the whodunnit.


connected to*


How tho?


I finished this game for the first time a week or so ago, it was really great, played through with my BF and enjoyed it thoroughly.

I can only emphasise the other good stuff people have said in this topic about it, I will say that I was expecting there to be more combat (since there's pretty much none) but I'm not disappointed in what ended up happening. I found the bit with the phasmid at the end to be really beautiful, also.

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