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Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames? Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?


How do you draw the line between bad manners and "being an asshole"?


There is no line. I only do things I can be proud of in non-hentai games. In hentai games open season.
This isn't for some moral reason, but rather because I feel too guilty to have fun being bad in normal games, but being bad makes me cum harder than I feel guilty.

Guilt is probably good, it's extremely limiting and conservative, but I don't see a better way not to hurt people.


As long as directed towards the other team it's OK by me.


>Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames?
Not sure what you mean with this, but manners only exist in relation to sentient people. You can't be rude to a program. At least not yet.

>Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?

This is intriguing, were feudalists bad mannered ?


>Is it accelerationist
Not quite. Even if you'll manage 2 bully some fag out of this particular game xir could just move 2 1other.
Also, as any m*rxist you should always remember th@ actively being a fucking retard shapes you into a fucking retard, so don't be just a stupid uyghur faggot without any purpose 2 it. It's ok to be against the cuckitalist society, it's not ok to be antisocial in general either you slid into tranarchism.

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