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File: 1695979186114.jpg ( 29.8 KB , 474x346 , th-816144068.jpg )


>Expansive and dynamic list of characters each with their own unique personalities and abilities.
>S Tier Hero's Journey yold from multiple angles
>Looks fucking amazing even for a 16bit game from the 90s
>Enemies are not retarded and it actually presents a challenge, but, it's to challenging that it deters away from enjoying the story.
Better than everything that came after it that is for sure.


File: 1696951358209.jpg ( 164.29 KB , 609x1118 , Dragon Quest III.jpg )

>S Tier Hero's Journey
Anon please… level up.


shittttttt. Aright, alright that's fair. I have never gotten into dragons quest, though. What makes it so good? Can I get a summary of the story?


Evil awakens and the son of past hero must travel the world collecting kajiggers in order to challenge it. III in particular is great because of how customizable its class system is. It's always perplexing that a game so hugely iconic and influential has so few imitators when it comes to party customization. Japan really likes phoning in anime stories around the premise but they sure don't like making more games like it.

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