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File: 1694949906253.jpg ( 307 KB , 1920x1080 , GTA-5.jpg )


Feel old yet?


File: 1695786700379.jpg ( 87.12 KB , 960x768 , Factor_5_dev_costs2.jpg )

10 years ago the fact that this was the most expensive game ever made filled me with existential dread for the future of the games industry. It represented everything wrong with games development at that time: hundreds of millions of dollars sunk into development on a product that absolutely cannot be allowed to fail. A cancer subordinating game design to the whims of investors who demand a buck be made at all costs. What has happened since then?


The unstoppable tendency of an industry to grow
>filled me with existential dread for the future of the games industry.
*yawn* extreme political terrorists are so wimpy deez dayz

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