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Can we get a Jurassic thread going?


What is the class position of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World franchise? What about the humans?


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Dinosaur society was AES and we must learn from it. China is already doing this.



<Life in a crowd - plant-eaters

>Many plant-eating dinosaurs lived, walked (and stepped on each others toes and tails), and died together. The evidence for this can be seen in communal nesting sites, bone injuries, trackways and bone-beds.

<Living together - meat-eaters

>Our picture of the lone predator is changing. Recent fossil discoveries suggest some lived in co-operative packs, raised their young and were probably quite social.

I thought it was shitposting..


Based dinos


Did that idiot Michael Crichton even realize that the Jurassic was about 50 million years before most of the Cretaceous dinosaurs in his park?


What do you think of feathered dinosaurs? Would you like to see them instead of scaly dinos?


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Yes because giant predatory birds are terrifying.

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