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Learned about all the changes this dumbass made to the Majora's Mask 3DS remake recently, and from reading developer interviews it basically sounds like someone embarrassed of their creation–someone who didn't understand their own game. In other words, George Lucas Syndrome.

Starting to realize there's actually quite a lot of these figures in the games industry. What's the deal with this? Why is it so common?


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To this day it's still totally baffling to me how this guy could direct one of the greatest masterpieces of intuitive non-verbal game design of all time (Super Metroid) and then crap out festering excrement like Fusion and Other M. I like to believe that Gumpei Yokoi was the real mastermind, keeping a tight leash on his worst tendencies.


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the dude who made dead space and callisto protocol


I didn't play Cal Prot, what did he do?


I made a separate thread on the POSTAL series which is basically this, or how I feel they lost that understanding over the years.

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