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Comrades, it's that time again: Lenin is young and October lies ahead!
Time for a Crisis in the Kremlin game thread like in the good old days. We'll be playing on 'Realism' difficulty and starting at the earliest bookmark, 1985!

And so comrades, take your seats as members of the Central Committee of the CPSU, take up flags, or namefag if you like, for some degree of recognisability when tallying votes and take up the burden of the collective leadership as it is time for you to elect our new General Secretary following the unfortunate passing of Comrade Chernenko.

Your candidates are as follows:
-The young protege of Andropov and stalwart, Comrade Grigory Romanov
-The young up and coming reformist, Comrade Gorbachev
-The trusted Brezhnevite centrist, Comrade Grishin
-The party grandee and diplomatic excellency, Comrade Gromyko
-or perhaps the a previously unknown black horse from the party rank will secure the Central Committee's confidence?

Comrades of the Central Committee, the future of the Party, the Union, the Socialist Camp and the Human Race itself is in your hands!


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I choose Grigory.
Kill Gorby immediately.


I am a filthy breznevite, so Grishin is the man


cancel the envelopes for everyone except the KGB and build GOSPLAN


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Delegate Ernst Thälpoodles here, representing the furry caucus, and I vote for Gromyko! We need (moderate) change to break from our stagnation period!


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Romanov should be our man


Stalinism has been a disaster for our union!


a leader like romanov will aggravate the festering bureaucracy in the military and kgb and cause revolt. we must keep the brezhnevite line for now, and increase envelopes for the KGB, reduce military spending, and research GOSPLAN and the mars landing.


>>11599 (me)
the neo-stalinist ending is one of the hardest in my experience. i’ve gotten total victory by OGAS and the world soviet republic after the US falls. in my experience the most important things are keeping KGB envelopes high so that when the bureaucracy strikes back the KGB will be loyal enough to arrest them. also winning in afghanistan by supporting communists in india and southeast asia so you can strike the taliban bases in pakistan. and promoting trade between france and the USSR to keep the frogs away from the US block. too bad the UI is absolute trash, it is a really good game held back by poor UI and poor translations. on another note, i’ve had way more issues beating Ostalgie (from the same developers), does anyone have any tips for that as the GDR?


Gromyko, reform without extremism!


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Comrades the Central Committee is at an impasse, with Comrades Romanov and Gromyko both tallying two votes each in their favour (and Comrade Grishin at one vote). We need a tie-breaker!


I vote in favor of Grishin. 3 way tie now


Ill contribute after work, just want to say for now that Ostalgie is very fun as well, by the same devs


Romanov for the win


It's been a while since I've last played Ostalgie but I've found that the main problems people have when first starting is not prioritizing accumulating research buildings to speed up your science tab of industry, agriculture, and security. That is probably the number one issue you should prioritize, since all advancements there will bring you a lot of bonuses, such as less Westalgia, more money, more people support and party support, more agents, etc.

The second thing you should prioritize is building up agents. That's absolutely necessary if you want to mantain the socialist camp stability high. In that regard Ostalgie can get a bit repetitive since if you're just trying to win without necessarily going for any achievement that requires you to deviate a little from the perfect run the game can become a bit scripted since you'll always pick the same foreign policy events to keep stability and high and possible and more or less also the same internal events.

If you're just playing to win and are trying to get accustomed to the game, as you said with the GDR your best option is building research buildings at the start of the game and building agent buildings when you make the money back. Always pick the option in events that will keep stability high, such as supporting the conservative coup in Vietnam, supporting communists with agents and money in Poland and Hungary, supporting the Soyuz faction in the USSR every year, helping the Sandinistas in the elections, etc etc.

The GDR is a good start since they start out with a lot of money and agent making buildings so just keep trying and you'll eventually win.


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After a tightly contested vote the Central Committee has, by a narrow plurality, elected Comrade Grigory Romanov as General Secretary! Congratulations are in order, but speculations already abound as to whether the new General Secretary can command a majority and implement his agenda. Of course we all trust in the wisdom of our collective leadership.

Now that this question has been settled it is time for us to look back on the history of our Party and Union.

In 1953 when Malenkov corrected the line of the SED and the subsequent unrest spiralled into demonstrations and riots in the DDR, what was our response to the situation?


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Romanov is the only choice for us.
There is no man better.
Sweep the party clean of revisionism.
Restore our union to its former glory.
Take back our future from the cowards and vermin who spit on the memory of the great patriotic war and would prostitute us to the west.

Romanov is the people. The people are Romanov.


Now investigate and trial Gorbachev for ties with the west, he's a reactionary spy.
The CPSU needs to be purged of reactionary and anti Soviet elements.


Use army to control the protests


Intervene with all possible forces.
Leave not one trace of fascism in Germany.


Skip pregame events.


Send the army.
Create worker and peasant militias immediately to counter anti communist subversion.

The country of the workers and peasants has to be defended by the entire people, arm the proletariat NOW.


Support the transfer of power to the moderates! The punishment of the East German people was not socialism, but petty nationalism!




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The situation in the DDR was pacified with a light touch and socialism in Germany was saved.

In 1956, when Rakosi was removed for the second time and Nagy oversaw general unrest in Hungary to the point of threatening the survival of socialism in the country and the integrity of the Warsaw Pact, what was our response to the situation?


Use army to control protests, Nagy should be hanged, but making a show of force would be counterproductive.


Use army to control protests


Support the moderates! Nagy only stood against the degeneration of Stalin's USSR which crushed the worker underfoot!


The army again, the US backed counter revolution will be crushed by force.
Set up militias at the same time, and a special commitee to examine and try to fix the problems that caused the unrest in the first place, there is obvious discontent about some grievances of the socialist system, but those grievances were kidnapped by a counter revolutionary anti-socialist minority that wanted to overthrow the socialist government.

kys reactionary.



Use the army to control protests, no need to aggrava a delicate situation further.


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Thankfully timely intervention saved Hungary from NATO-fascism, Nagy was executed and order restored.

With the superiority of socialist science being proven by the stunning success of our space program and Comrade Gagarin's mission, the question of religious superstitions was raised again, what was our attitude?


Let it be


We should not violate freedom of conscience. Let religion be a private matter. Attempting to stamp it out through force only encourages their persecution complex.


We should not violate freedom of conscience, repressing the rightful freedom of accepting the opium of the masses is the most socialist thing to do, things will develop naturally.


Did any other company ever go to shit as bad as Kremlin Games? Like, even considering AAA companies that go down hill, KG is still really bad. Its to the point that I think CitK was a miraculous fluke. I mean:
A couple country paths that all share the same global events. These global events are predetermined and allways one-shot opprotunities that can't be fixed up later like in CitK. One playthrough and you basically see it all, "gameplay" is just to hunt down the "funni" paths that will only add like a single line of text at the end. Dumbed down economy.
Everything basically the same as Ostalgie, but with an esoteric political system that doesn't even do anything stapled on top. Again, you have no real agency in the world. Your geopolitical influance, despite being fucking China, is the same as that Poolands in Ostalgie
A fucking dogturd that launched as a broken down mess. Geopolitics basically cut. A shit ton of broken down systems that don't work. Atrocious art and interfaces. Everything is burried under a deep layer of esoteric nonsense. Starting "story" intro for your character literally stolen from Suzerain. Also you can literally win the game on start if you make the correct pre-start choices as they just give you insane amounts of popularity if picked right. Just what the fuck happened with this game? As I said, KG is on a complete and total downward spiral now.


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Lenin was very clear on this issue, let people believe in the Jew daddy of the sky if they want to, but keep an eye on the church, they should be tolerated, but they shouldn't be allowed to do counter-revolutionary agitation.
If education keeps improving people will become atheists by themselves, support open debates and discussions about religion, but don't force atheism.


I agree with what you said about Ostalgie but disagree with some some stuff on Mao.
>with an esoteric political system that doesn't even do anything stapled on top.

The political system is actually quite easy to understand and cheese once you know which cliques you want suppress (Deng and Liberals) and which ones you want to support

>again, you have no real agency in the world

But you can mess around with eastern and western Europe, Afghanistan and do lots of stuff in Asia like unify Korea and get Hong Kong back by force, certainly a lot more room to experiment with than Ostalgie.


Yeah Republic was an absolute turd, I have no idea what the fuck went wrong on that project.

Just play Suzerain instead like you say, it's better than the Kremlingames except maybe Crisis but that's just because they had an old game to crib off of.


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I miss the old CitK, it was such a good game, too bad that it's broken as shit and basically unwinnable unless you cuck yourself and become Yeltsin.

I remember someone saying that there was a fuckton of events that got cut from the final game, things like a 2nd bay of pigs invasion of Cuba.


KG it's just 2 guys making indie games for the lels, you're expecting too much, the games are quite decent.


I mean, CitK was golden basically. Then Ostalgie and Mao were OK I guess, just a bit disapointing after CitK. But Republic was just bad. Idk, maybe they just rushed it, but it feels no where near finished.


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The attitude towards the church was liberalised which has let it reassert its influence among the people. However we are comfortable with this, we are confident that the self-evident truth of socialist science and progress will triumph in time.

In 1968 when Dubcek's reforms threatened socialism in Czechoslovakia as well as the integrity of the Warsaw Pact, what was our response to the situation?


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Literal NATO invasion.
Send the Tanks!


Use army to restore socialism


Rein him with threats in but do not invade because that would be a bad look and the enemies of socialism will take full advantage of it


Limit reform with threats, what can go wrong?



Send in the army, no revisionism will be tolerated.


Bump, come back OP


Send threats no army. This will alienate the Czechslovakian proletariat


OP we need you


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(back from work)
The presidium found itself at an impasse in the matter of Czechoslovakia. The situation called for decisiveness from the collective leadership however, with the question of a tie-breaking vote or a change of heart from some of the members lying heavy on the heads and hearts of the erstwhile presidium.


Limit reform with threats. We must not treat every problem with a hammer.


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Hehe if you pronounce the title without context you say kik


i prefer china mao's legacy and ostalgie, i knew the guy who made the game and this was his first and it kinda shows


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Seeking to avoid another Hungary, the Presidium decided to avoid military force except as a last resort. Thankfully through the cooperation of the socialist camp Dubcek came to the negotiating table, being willing to not shake things up too much for us while implementing his 'socialism with a human face'.

Beginning in 1965 Alexei Kosygin begun advancing a program of economic reforms devised by economist Evsei Liberman that would introduce profitability and individual enterprise accounting as criteria of success in order to cheaply revitalise the Soviet economy, what was the collective leadership's final decision?




Automation, but we must make sure the KGB envelopes and budget is high because this will upset the conservative bureaucracy.




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Kosygin's proposals were rejected unanimously and assent was given to the projects of Viktor Glushkov and the Cybernetics Institute. Their work continues.

The question of the Space Race and its continued usefulness was raised in the 70s, did the erstwhile leadership reach out to a thaw of relations with the americans, abandon further cosmic ambitions for the time being, continue our ambitious space program or were hostilities initiated over the issue of space?


Peaceful space race continues


Peaceful space race


Of course we will continue the peaceful space race!


Kek, even Tito signed.


Peaceful space race continues


Make peace with the US. Soviet funds could be better spent elsewhere.


Peace with the US, the space race is retarded and a waste of money.


Peace with the US, we'll need those rubles for OGAS.


Make peace with the US.


the spece race grows into armed conflict!


>Just play Suzerain instead like you say
Well that was a let down. Very easy game, If I had known about needing to pay for Serge's kids education to avoid getting assassinated I would've won in my first playthrough as a commime. Pretty easy to say the last and the story is meh, which is a bit lame for a pick-your-own-adventure game.

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