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File: 1628482132047.png ( 20.91 KB , 1200x720 , 1200px-Flag_of_the_Iron_Gu….png )


how do you guys like to play? strats?


go for 3 corners as the person starting, can only end in 2 ways (providing you're not stupid):
>you win


also, the only way to not lose in that situation is to place your nought or cross in the middle square on the first move.


>go for the squares with the lowest amount of neighbors
>not going for the middle
cornerfags everyone


Oh wow, check out this faggot, with his retarded bOaRd CoNtRoL meta, as if that shit hasn't been debunked 1000 times over by pro players at the top level. Your shitty 'tactic' only reliably works on 10 year olds and other scrubs.


>there are pro tic tac toe players


>10 year olds and other scrubs
projecting, huh? just like every other LLLLoser

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