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i don't enjoy playing vidya anymore like i used to. it feels like you wait for that one decent game every half a decade and then its back to filtering through piles of actual shit worth your time.
single player games feel like vapid clones of each other and just non engaging in general.
multiplayer game communities don't even have that soul in them anymore.

what went wrong? is it the industry taking a dump or is it just me?


I spend probably 95% of my vidya time playing older games these days. Why risk the the investment of some modern turd you know is going to let you down when there's decades of games you already know are great?


I think (for me) it's more about the saturation of the game industry.

Seeing new cowadootys, battlefields, fifas, forzas, assassin's creed being announced and released all the time is nauseating.


Why aren't you playing only old games?


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>what went wrong?
Same thing that went wrong in other entertainment industries. When falling rate of profit comes knocking your option is to either make bigger and bigger projects that cannot fail or nickel and dime the fuck out of your consumers.


recommend some good games ITT


I would say The Sims but I don't wanna wake up the sperg

Play Yakuza 0, it's pretty good


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Star sector. Shit loads of mods, full of fun.
Some new shit like Stirring Abyss is pretty okay, definitely having some Terror of the Deep vibes.


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Sims 4 + Wicked Whims


Super Metroid


Play Plasma Pong


Here's a better quality video


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The main factor is diminishing returns where you need massive efforts to make current hardware look better then last. Where we solved all the easy hardware limitations when we moved to HD systems with PS3 and Xbox 360 and now hardware is not holding game developers back except the expectation that developers fully utilize it.


We're in a period of quantitative changes it seems…


It might be a generational thing but the way I see is these developers nowadays are tryhards who are want to outcompete each other in sparkling graphics while the game is usually shit. It's all hype with little to back that shit up. For example the fact that homm3 is still to this day one of the best strategy games says a lot. It's simple, it works, it's not too balanced but it takes actual brainpower to play it and that's enough.


Probably the early Fallouts(1 and 2), Thief, System Shock 2.


>Fallouts(1 and 2)
Please don't recommend overrated trash, the anon asked for good games.


>what went wrong? is it the industry taking a dump or is it just me?

gaming went mainstream and became corporate processed trash just like music and movies. it just means its harder to find good stuff.


i think its marketing to the lowest common denominator to capture the widest audience


Holy based. I’m fucking tired of the circlejerk around Fallout.
Basically gaming industrial capitalism has entered the monopoly stage. There’s basically no chance for indie to rise any higher than getting bought out by the current monoliths, most of them are so bloated that the government will bailout if the fail. Look at CDPR becoming the EA of Eastern Europe because of the polish protectionism.


The big gaming titles are not fun to play anymore. (I stopped playing games quite some time ago, so correct me if that has changed) If Indie titles are bought up and loose creative control, these titles will also loose what made them fun.

So the only way to make games that are fun is to make them as technically bare-bone as possible, so that it can be done as a hobby project. Is that correct ?




>to make them as technically bare-bone as possible, so that it can be done as a hobby project
You mean to make small enough projects that they can be completed by a small amateur team?


>You mean to make small enough projects that they can be completed by a small amateur team?
Sure you could to put it that way.


You don't actually enjoy _anything_, because you're self-loathing bioleninist trash. Maybe you should research exit bags.


Imagining un-ironically enjoying bourgeois gaming industry. Sure there are enjoyable games but they are enjoyable despite the industry.


>Sure there are enjoyable games but they are enjoyable despite the industry.
Which ones?


Depends on what genre you are into. Trying to appeal to all gamers is one of big problems of the gaming industry, this is why smaller studios can do better as they can focus on a core target audience.


>Look at CDPR becoming the EA
That's quite hyperbolic don't you think anon? Here's the shit EA has been doing since the '80s:


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Sid Meier's Alpha Centuari.

"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."
~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang - Essays on Mind and Matter


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I don't want to think about this, but I'm going to.

in my younger years, I used to dream that I would become a god like the likes of jonathan leary. I knew I would make video games…I could already tell. I would be like a god of creation to other people. I could do it with a single click of a mouse and they'd be like, 'wow'. my mom could get a big smile on her face because I would make a video game that actually made her a happy. then I would just be able to sit back and watch the world go by.

that was my dream. I was always a dreamer.

now, I'm not sure what to be anymore. I want to create a game so people will feel happiness because of what I've made. but I don't know where to start. how do you go about doing that? is it about thinking about the right ideas? is it about thinking about art? how much do you think you need?


Just create. If you're a retard use game maker. If you're a Chad use C++. Just start any way you can, if not you will wake up in 10 years and your dream slipped away.


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i played 8 games of league of legends today


should I start learning to program with that language?


Ideally you should have an idea of a vague "thing" you want to make. Then depending on the complexity you would learn appropriate stuff. C++ is the most powerful and extremely prevalent in game dev because of this, however it has a high learning curve. You definitely need to learn a language though if you're serious about being a game dev. Python is pretty powerful in its simplicity and quantity of packages (pygame is a good start) https://realpython.com/pygame-a-primer/ just make bro, the world is full of dreamers, not many doers!


My biggest experience with programming is Ren'Py. So I guess from there I should take up Python, right? Although I would like to learn C++ later.


If it's a goal just start now fam. Google a guide to making snake or Tetris or pong in C++ and try to understand everything. Don't be afraid, it's really not hard once you get over the initial bump. After this you can always go back to python if it isn't giving you what you want


Ok, I'll try doing that, thank you anon


And how many years have you been an addict, Anon?


>what went wrong?
Its like Hollywood man, they all ran out of ideas.


Yeah, video games have become tedious af, they now mostly consist of new skins over same old mindless chores. I have more fun playing solitaire.

Yet there's now more video game consumers than ever before. How do you explain that?


Because the outside world and other forms of entertainment are even more shitty.


play tabletop tames instead


The Final Fantasy 1 remake on the PSP.


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Worms Armageddon


Nah man, you gotta go with the ff1+2 combo pack on gba. ff3 and 4 on psp are good but surprisingly difficult compared to other ports





I like the better graphics for the FF1,2 on the psp than the GBA ones, even if it has a lot of them, i can just play the other on a psp nes and snes emulator. I never heard of FF3 and 4 officially released for psp.


ok but hedgewars


same. i was gonna build a whole pc for one game that i liked but then i remembered i dont have any other games to play


Emulate console games duh


Monument Valley for mobile is very nice but you will need to pay Google to play it.


Is it hard to pirate commercial mobile games?


>What went wrong?
Gaming content is down on the triple A side because of the bloated budgets of games, current conditions of society place a shadow that can't be as easily ignored, and the increased speed of culture stopping games from breathing.

Honestly there's good games out, alot of great indie games out and double a games, with triple A your standards need to be generally lower since alot of games can feel like proof of concepts at times.


No,it's incredibly easy,you just need to find the apk and install it on your phone.
Some need your phone to be rooted too,and there are modded version of mobile games too and there is a patcher to remove in game apps etc.


Have you guys seriously not enjoyed a single game that was released the past five years?


Maybe I'll pirate STALKER 2 if I can run it.


I only enjoy playing battlefront for like an hour


I love Mindustry.


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>Maybe crunch culture, over-saturation of the market, and the ever desperate need to to payback investors has lowered gaming quality, as it has become a commodified industry instead of one made out of passion? Nah, it must hav ben dose dawyum sjaydoubleus!
Go get fucked back to /v/, asshat




The worst part is that /v/ermin 100% believe this without a hint of irony.


eh like half of them? I think /pol/ shit is losing it's energy on /v/ ever since the captcha dropped.


What was the ban for? Can we stop nuking posts unless they contain shit like cp?


Aww man I missed it
It probably was some really dumb culture war shit that completely disregarded the actual systemic causes that are inherent of the capitalist system. In that case, I fully agree with banning such retards if they have a history of posting similar stuff, although I would like the original post to not be deleted.


It was a blue-haired sjw devs bad straight male normalfag dev good.



You are just getting old, play the classic retro games you like and let the rest of the industry go to hell.

There is more than enough games from the golden era to keep you happy for a lifetime.


i was going to list like 2 games from 10 years ago

so, no


>There is more than enough games from the golden era to keep you happy for a lifetime.
Honestly there aren't. Unless you're willing to go through genres you have no interest in or endure redundant and mediocre design, you''re going to eventually get to the bottom of the pile that interests you. Mining retro stuff has been my main source of vidya for the better part of the decade and for the first time recently the rabbit holes started becoming dead ends.


You can broaden your horizons, or make your own games, or get a new hobby if you only want to stick to the highest quality games of your favorite genre.
Which one is it by the way?

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