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Hey, I thought about making this game for a while. Usually I have these random ideas and try to put them together. I'm more of a vision and feelings oriented guy. Problem is I'm lacking an idea to give the player some grand "Aha!" moment. You know what I mean if you've played a good game before.

Anyways, so this game is about capitalism. It's supposed to be a small open world game with PS1 graphics. Your character is a random nobody. Their specific identity is of no importance. The game starts off with leading you on the path that you have to find a job and get money to make something out of yourself. You are soon confronted that the kind of jobs you like are unavailable to you, because they have ludicrous demands for junior positions and the other jobs are undignified menial jobs that will hardly give you enough money for you to make it out of poverty. The idea is to make the player believe that's what they should do and the player is made unaware of the fact that he could play the game very differently at any time. The player looks for job and he replays these boring minigames, that represent his menial job, over and over and over again. The player is free to continue and perhaps at some point they will realize they can go about things differently. In the meantime the world building will inform about the conflicts and problems around him. Politicians making promises on stage, crime on the streets, some people ridiculously rich and others pathetically poor and factions slowly brewing in society of which the player can actually join. The player will be subject to random tragic events, like getting hit by a car and having astronomical bills to pay, getting mugged on the street (by a minority and yes that is an important), yada yada. Those inevitable events are supposed to make the player realize that working to fulfill whatever goals they had will not be possible. Because they will never earn enough money. This is when the second phase of the game starts. The player will now explore alternative ways of going about things and come into contact with various factions which will mimic real life factions we see in contemporary politics. These factions must be depicted with a genuine attempt at portraying them honestly, because if we are too on the nose with "HURR DURR WE STUPID NAZIS AND WE DUMB DUMBS BELIEVE JEWS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING" or "HURR WE ARE DUMB SJWS DUMB DUMBS WHO THINK QUOTAS CAN SOLVE EVERYTHING" people who actually identify with these groups will feel unfairly misrepresented and not listen to the game's core message. The player may choose any of these factions and lead them to their own victory which will be followed by their miserable failure, since their worldview was misguided. The proper ending will be achieved by joining the socialist faction that unites all of the other factions. Anyways. I have this scene in my head how the player will sneak into some politicians home where they throw a big party and all the other important figures are invited. They will all look like pigs and make squeeling noises when they speak. They will talk about how they are using all of these factions as pawns to keep them divided and fighting with each other. They are also getting served human flesh and the player can find a stash of corpses in a cold room in the kitchen. It's supposed to be a metaphor how human suffering and pain is their sustenance.

Do you guys want to give me some feedback? Add some ideas? Anyone interested in working on that with me?

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