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Will VR ever be affordable for the average gamer? Even the Quest 2 costs as much as a game console and they are trying to shove ads into them.


Probably, once the previous generation becomes old and gets resold.
Also fuck facebook.


The bigger problem is that you basically need an entire room clear to play VR


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Not really, if you look at the first VR arcade machine since movement was controlled with a controller (still is), it had a tiny play space. The biggest issue is having a play area that you can safely play in since you are blind to hazards in your room.


The whole-room VR is way better though


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Merging a treadmill with VR is being looked into because no mater how big your play space is, the game world can be far bigger. There is also the issue of having precise tracking over a large play space (trying to get VR to work in a gym requires lots of lighthouses).


Will VR ever have any games worth justifying the technology? Serious question for VR koolaide drinkers: What does "virtual reality" actually add to game design?


Well Open Brush and NeosVR benefit creators, having a radical new UI, where your hands are your cursors and to move your camera you simply move yourself. In terms of 3d chat programs like VRChat it allows higher immersion by reducing the amount of canned animation as avatar movement is going off the tractors and it is obvious who is running in desktop mode because of that.


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That's very interesting, but this all sounds like stuff that is more tedious and requires more work to navigate through the interface with than simply pressing some buttons already at your fingertips. What sort of paradigm-changing feature does "virtual reality" present to game design? For example, the Wii opened up huge possibilities for third- and first-person shooting games by allowed players fine and intuitive control over aiming at things that could be independently coupled with movement. Where previous 3D console shooters often had to contend with a sluggish pace due to the inherent limitations of analog sticks for camera control, and where 3D PC shooters are stuck with digital movement on keyboards, the Wii finally compined a lightgun with other controls in a way that presented huge opportunities for fast-paced 3D shooters. What, if any, opportunities for game design does VR actually present?


Let's keep using shooters as an example. In most shooters, you have a standing pose, a crouching pose and a prone pose. Some games have leaning to the side, some let you jump, but this is not always the case. In a VR game, you can perform all of these actions and more since your body is the only limit. Want to blindly spay while hiding on the side of a building? You can do that. Want to peek behind a crate without exposing your entire body? You can do that. The same possibilities the Wii opened up are expanded upon in VR. Think of it like a Wii, Kinect and 3DS glued into one console without the baggage of designing a game around traditional controller schemes too.


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While less efficient for heavy workloads they have a far gentler learning curve with a newbie being able to learn open (or tilt) brush easier then GIMP with the UI able to be uninstructive for the way for the easy stuff and you are drawing 2D brush strokes in a 3D space so it is kinda of half way between a 2D program like GIMP and 3D like Blender. With NeosVR you are basically playing with a live watered down Unity dev world that is sandboxed inside Neos giving you real time feed back as you adjust values and create logical nodes that actually makes it easier to learn game devlopment. This also allows you to set up your workspace with ease as you just drag and drop windows where you want them in 3D space, and allows for better collaboration as other players can see your windows in 3D space if you give them permission.

As for how this translates to games well there is already experimentation in controlling cars in VR by moving your hands and feet (full tracking) and trying to make it as good as if you really had a wheel and peddle setup, the end result would be the full tracking being a highly flexible controller.


Given how things are progressing now, it's probably going to be pretty normal eventually. It's just that it's a complicated enough set of problems that the technology doesn't advance that quickly.

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