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File: 1624375991562-1.pdf ( 80.76 KB , 67x118 , TNO_L-NPP_Leak.pdf )

 No.10245[View All]

Just noticed that both the old /gsg/ thread and the hoi 4 threads were full so here's a new thread.

Reposting from the Hoi 4 thread:

I found a supposed leak detailing the L-NPP paths, despite the lib bias of the devs Gus still seems pretty based. Plus it also has the 1976 and 1980 L-NPP candidates.

>At this stage, mass prosecution of the upper class will begin, now that the courts are sufficiently saturated with L-NPP appointees. Hall’s FBI director will have assembled lists and evidence on the illicit gains of the American wealthy, and, starting all at once, mass arrests will be carried out of the most unsavory individuals. This is a crisis as well, as this upheaval causes capital flight from the United States,which Hall can react to in a variety of ways - including shooting down private planes.

Yeah I'm thinking he's based

<The 1976 Election - Bill Epton/Abbie Hoffman

<Head of Government - ​Abbie Hoffman
<Foreign Minister - ​Noam Chomsky
<Economy Minister - ​Fred Hampton
<Security Minister -​ Philip Agee

Noam Chomsky and Fred Hampton being in the same cabinet is very funny to me
236 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Yeah, I honestly don't care if they steal from mods, because mods are infinitely better than vanilla, but the political stuff, that is fucking shameful. I mean if you want to portray 'the human side of the purges' in your Eastern Front DLC, okay, fine, but how about a bit of a fucking mention of Generalplan Ost then? Fucking Nazi sympathisers. HOI is becoming the most deranged Nazi propaganda game since Company of Heroes 2.


>Yeah, I honestly don't care if they steal from mods, because mods are infinitely better than vanilla
I mean, i like them officially incorporating it to vanilla, as it makes my modlist just a little bit less haphazard.

>I mean if you want to portray 'the human side of the purges' in your Eastern Front DLC, okay, fine, but how about a bit of a fucking mention of Generalplan Ost then?

Agreed. Playing endsieg and seeing the events talking in a moderate amount of detail about the historical occurrences was a really nice experience.

>HOI is becoming the most deranged Nazi propaganda game since Company of Heroes 2.

How bad is it? I got CoH for free once and barely played (mostly because hoi consumed my soul). Hope it is as good as Men of War looks.


>How bad is it?
Ever watch enemies at the gate? It’s basically that with the asiatic horde and all. The gameplay was dumbed down to serve the anti-communist propaganda.


EU4 is g*rmoid supremacist propaganda, the only reason Europe is a pain to conquer is because the 283828288282 germ cities can amass 100K troops against you each


The real problem is the agressive expansion for attacking the hre from outside the hre.
If you're playing in europe, and you want to conqueror Germany, you should look to become emperor, or friends with the emperor. Then it's free real estate.


>enemies at the gate
That's all i need to know.

Hope i can at least have a good laugh from it.


>How bad is it?


Hopefully Relic go bankrupt after AoE4. It looks like dogshit. And what they did with DoW is just sad.


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Holy shit


>We have multiple German won ww2/ww1 mods now. It already got dumber.
we need more mods set in the modern day and cold war era. I want to see a mod where the USSR won the cold war and is in a collision coarse towards WW3 with China while America is in a civil war and can unify and support either side.
>Play Red World
Red World has no content for China
>This is like if they had a tree for germany where you can be the jews and make the german people slaves to global jewery


Red World had potential but too bad the original creator was a monarchist. In that mod the USSR only won through sheer luck.
A better one would be that China went for cooperation with the US just in time for them to collapse due to civil rights falling through, the panthers got their shit together and the 70s oil crisis never ended. At the mean time another Israeli - Arab war began which crumbled both Saudi Arabia and Israel. Europe went independent but highly fascist.


IMO a good TL for a Soviet Cold War win would be where Molotov becomes General Secretary instead of Khrushchev, he boosts the Soviet Economy but makes the USSR more nationalist and this alienates other socialist countries form the USSR. The US never gets involved in Vietnam but during the Oil Crisis tries to invade Saudi Arabia (this was planed IOTL) and wins but if forced to pull out due to pan arab guerillas. Then the US implements neoliberlaism to deal with stagflation but this causes a second great depression. The US collapses into warlord states. In the 90s happens the UAR unifies the Arab people and China and the USSR fight over influence of communist countries. In the 2000s Islamists blow up the Kremlin causing the USSR to go on a "red neocon" regime change spree that topples the remaining capitalist nations in Europe and Asia (Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Iran, Thailand) The USSR alleged that these countries provided financing to Islamists but these claims were found to be false. The USSR is driven out of these countries by guerilla movements, that then turn on each other after the Soviets leave. Different factions in America are still duking it out with China and the USSR supporting different factions. Europe while becoming socialist in the late 80s had high economic growth until the 2010s where aging demographics cause an economic stagnation and cause their to be austerity and immigration and all the controversy that comes from that. European countries are also in a big debate about weather to allow liberal political reforms such as multi party elections as well. The world is by in large socialist who a few capitalist holdouts in areas of America and Africa. The PRC and USSR are at the brink of war after a socialist but pro-Independence and pro-Soviet party is elected in Taiwan in 2019.


TTL isn't hyper-realistic but good for a hoi4 mod because nothing is to implausible and the geopoltical situation is dynamic in a way that would make a hoi4 game fun.


>we need more mods set in the modern day and cold war era that are interesting and change the combat nature of hoi4 into something more long term


Oh fuck I forgot they were doing AoE4. I wonder how bad they'll manage to fuck it up.


Honestly Victoria 3 would work better as a base for a modern day mod, might as well wait for that to come out.


The plot to overthrow the Soviet government was real, and without the purges you would have a 1000 Vlasovs running around
In contrast the muh jewish plot was a lie, and Hitler knew it. Nazism was a plot of personal enrichment for the party and german industrialists, nothing more.


Perhaps. I'm curious to see if the game will get my interest.


Who would be in charge after Molotov eventually dies? Another possibly big difference could be that both India and Indonesia turned communist in the 70s but are staunch anti China and USSR creating a multipolar post capitalist world with 4 aggressive pillars.


So far the art direction is the same flashy cheap Moba cartoon they did with DoW3. The gameplay is painfully average, nothing AoE2 can’t beat. RTS as a whole is a dead genre now.


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The Second West Russian War mod is pretty fun. It adds some good content for post-reunification Russia.


2WRW Dev here, thanks for kind words, there much more content to come!
P.S: Special thanks from me, as i'm Suslov Dev, and it puts smile on my face knowing that somebody actually plays him.


Resident Suslov stan here, is he already out for 2WRW? I assumed it was only Novosibirsk(?) that had full content and everyone else just had a skeleton war with some flavor events for capitulating X city, and thus was too lazy to download the mod before you guys added the first socialist/communist unifier paths.


Sadly no, as for now development is almost exclusively focused upon Novosibirsk (Shukshin Especially), Omsk, Serov, and Tukhachevsky's WRRF(But Zhukov and his successors also get content done). Progress is mostly halted by general wait for TT, and fears of how it will break mod, plus few unifiers are getting reworked there. I got into Team recently, but thankfully was able to snatch suslov as last available communist unifier(outside of sablin whose is purposefully left out until rework), and right now I slowly but steadily develop him.


Cool. Any chance you could share some details of what you have cooked up for Suslov?


Is their any content for Zhdanov


>2WRW Dev here,


Can't say much, but i do plan to add some choices in political, economical trees, concerning possible reforms, possible Politburo mechanic (Trying to make it not a complicated GUI), to make Suslov's Union feel more alive. Also, Comrades by the names of Kitov and Glushkov, will have chance of appearing…
USF definitely has some progress done, but the dev before i joined wanted to make Ultravisionaries to become Posadist meme stash (with focuses for studying Dolphins and nuking the world) but after some stir in community, the dev got removed together with their ideas, and now different person is in charge, he works in the dark, but USF tree is less chaotic and meme they say


>Also, Comrades by the names of Kitov and Glushkov, will have chance of appearing…
Based. Looks like he's going to be the most based communist unifier then.


I was wondering if you guys could add a decision to invade the slave revolt if it going on during the SWRW. I had to use allow.diplo to go through them.


>USF definitely has some progress done, but the dev before i joined wanted to make Ultravisionaries to become Posadist meme stash (with focuses for studying Dolphins and nuking the world) but after some stir in community, the dev got removed together with their ideas, and now different person is in charge, he works in the dark, but USF tree is less chaotic and meme they say
Yeah, doing that would be way too memey tbh, even with one of WerBells' paths being able to build shit from MGS lmao


Not him, but I think if Slave Revolt happens it should start a special focus tree which would either completely derail the GO4 gambit and realign Brandt with Russia or have it be a pragmatic use of the situation with Russia taking out Schorner and then the Slave revolt.


Right now the lead dev's plan is to move swrw more in future to 75, and by then revolt would be over, but team has discussed hotfix, with would make sr join certain Russia Factions, while others just declare war on them, until big content arrives.
Well, some also had ideas of adding Evangelion, but the voting failed


Since you are Suslov lead, may I suggest making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Z8Bq35d0k (9:40 to 10:20) as the WRW2 victory superevent theme? It fits kinda perfectly following up the Reunification theme which is from the very start of the Cantata and would then lay the logical conclussion for 45:40 to 46:35 to be the theme for the "USSR wins the Cold War" event if that was ever implemented in TNO2


This is actually ultra based and badass! Whatever Sfx team had for Mikhail Andreyevich, i'm changing it for this, although the 9:40 would also sound great for Start of War Event for it is very tense and battle like, while 45:40 could also be victory event.
In anyway thanks, Cantata kinda slipped off my mind, it's definitely a good source for Suslov


Kinda disappointed there wasn't some military commander like Zhukov as a fourth leader option

Hopefully someone makes a mod for it, that'd be based


Finally I can play as Bukharin

But even better, we can have the collective and organic Party rule !


>Stalin is a paranoid dictator, there was no need for purges!


I like how can possibly do the focus 'The Comintern' and immediately form the fourth international lol


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>The Supreme Soviet
My oh my


What even is the endgame of Borman in TNO?


Does anyone know is any arab countries will be getting content for TNO?


They are developing in paralel 4 updates now. One for general improvements, one for Eastern Europe, one for NA and Co-Prosperity Sphere and one for Southern Europe. Following that there will be another batch of 3 for Balkans, for Japan and the rest of CPS and finally for the entire Middle East.


Gerontocratic bureaucracy perpetuating itself. The endgame is the life-support of the stagnant system collapsing in on itself and everyone in the party grabs up as much cash and state property as they can as everything is privatised, the einheitspakt collapses and german life expectancy falls by 15 years.


I'm assuming that this whole process will take two years minimum


In TNO what ideology would Al Quieda be?


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I think Kostany in Kazakhstan is supposed to be an islamist state and they are despotist now. Also there is this leak for Toolbox Theory that shows Central Asia, which shows off some of the new sub-ideologies, with the Islamic State having Ultranationalism with subideology of Fundamentalism and Talas has Despotism and Theocracyl. In short, I'd say Al Quieda is Ultranat, Khomeini is Despotist.


Would be funny if they were BurgSys.

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