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File: 1669291348880.mp4 ( 27.8 MB , 1920x1080 , Y2Mate.is - Little Dark Ag….mp4 )


Thread to recommended and discuss the best/most unique examples of soviet cinema.

The bulk of Mosfilm's productions can be accessed for free on their youtube channel, many with english subtitles.


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I find interesting the contrast and similarities between these two main characters from different times. Both kinda kinda autistic and weirdly altruistic.


I need to watch brat. I saw Жмурки the other day and really liked it.


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>Liking the same degenerate murika pop-culture but in a post-soviet setting
Just so you know, leftists from there absolutely despise all this individualistic and even plain racist crap. Hell, it was even sponsored by the Yeltsinist state fhs.


I mean, yeah it was clearly just pulp fiction but set in 90s St Petersburg. But that doesn't mean it's not an enjoyable film..




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>all this individualistic and even plain racist crap
the second film maybe, popcorn flick with a nationalist special-snowflake bankrupt moral

the first Brat is more complicated, there is an underlying protest against individualism there, that takes the form of nihilism

and the ending is pure kino - the main hero forgives and saves his brother, even though he betrayed him for money


train movies



the quality is a bit gay but you can expect that from youtube


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east german scifi

the quality is meh in both sources but probably watchable

i watched it in more hd quality and it was better (but maybe only on torrents…)




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That's actually a pretty good scifi flick.

The makers of this film really objected to spray-cans, and they weren't subtle about it, lol.


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mad mission (hk) is good

while it isn't socialist, its alternative to west


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'Meine_Freundin_Sybille_DEFA-1967.mkv' (East german)



guess im on the list for watching this


>Both kinda kinda autistic and weirdly altruistic.
you're a fucking retarded nazoid
Danila is a typical russkie gangster - all the high talk, but would kill his mother for enough money

>the second film maybe, popcorn flick with a nationalist special-snowflake bankrupt moral

>the first Brat is more complicated, there is an underlying protest against individualism there, that takes the form of nihilism
<not a bankrupt moral

nihilism is a moral or every fucking criminal

>and the ending is pure kino - the main hero forgives and saves his brother, even though he betrayed him for money

you watched it with your ass nazoid

the dude in the Courier is an altruist, while Danila is a hypocritical egoist


nobody cares about this Slavic slop except hipsters


that's why im hipster


This. Real intellectuals watch the latest Marvel movie and nothing else.


thats actually typical anti-russian movie

the main character is some retard

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