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Have depictions of LGBTQ sexuality finally hit a limit with audiences. I always believed that the popularity of homosexuality in media was actually malicious especially from women. For straight women gay males are very often the perfect man. A male, often effeminate, that they can emotionally bond with that will never ever put demands on them sexually. Basically a man that friend zones himself that will never grow bitter. This is actually the template for boy band and their popularity but that's and of understandable because preteen girls are attracted to boys but find their sexuality intimidating. You're supposed to grow past this kek
Much like straight males' mythologization of lesbians, CIS women's interest in gay males is only in so far as it serves their own egos. They're not actually interested in these men as people, and the failure of this movie proves it.
I've only seen the previews but it stuck me as a very unapologetic depiction of an idealized gay romance from and for homosexual men. I didn't know about the explicit sex scenes but I find it interesting that for over a decade on social media women pilloried men that chaffed at homosexual characters and now that they have an opportunity to see a gay love scene they balk.
This has got to be the umpteenth movie that's tried to serve the woke market and crashed on the rocks. Maybe movie makers in the future can include some kind of social media cache for watching their movie like a badge that appears next to their Twitter handle, because social capital is what really motivated the meteoric rise of LGBTQ support in the mainstream.


*but that's kind of understandable


Kek tier poast


OP is cringe but redpilled


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Broke: LGBTQ movies
Woke: Incel Kino


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I think Hollywood movies are dying out anyways. This doesn't say so much about people wanting to see movies featuring gay men so much as it says about people just not giving a fuck about washed up cinema anymore.


One of the reasons Hollywood media is dying is because there's so much hokey woke messaging. Very decent movies because Hollywood has decided it must put the narrative first and foremost.


Haven't seen this movie, so this is more a general observation.
You have to understand the business model of this type of entertainment, they make lower quality stuff and try to offset that by adding cultural pandering.

I don't know if it's really ego-exploitation, I think women like stories where the protagonist has to resolve relationship conflict. It's a very limiting framework from a narrative standpoint because it's either a man-v-himself or man-v-opponent type of story. For reference the least limited type of story is man-v-environment.


damn, i need to see this.


The main character is a neurotic nerd that's dating a chad. Essentially he's all the qualities that women associate with incels. Women HATE seeing beta men, especially depicted in a humanizing light (because it lays bare their own rabid bigotry against them)
Ironically his character is a copy and paste template of most Cinderella style female romance movies.


Hollywood still hasn't learned that having all the characters in a film be queer/women/POC is not by itself a reason for people to see it regardless of what their political views are. We watch movies to engage in a narrative for a couple hours. Tell us a story! We'll sniff our own farts and feel smug about how right our politics are on Facebook later.

Also, who the fuck did the producers think would watch a film like that? Only certain women like rom-coms, and they just project themselves into the leading lady's role. Can't do that without a leading lady! Were they thinking that gay men would watch it? While gay men may be gay, they're still men. That rom-com bullshit ain't gonna play with them.


You vill vatch zee homo erotic rom-com and be happy

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