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File: 1631645104192.jpg ( 177.11 KB , 1200x800 , nup_168050_1224.jpg )




File: 1631646871373.mp4 ( 11.8 MB , 480x360 , Moth Joke.mp4 )



Oh shit this guy died? Damn. Time to download the man show.


the TV says this hunk of coal was hiding his cancer for years, I hope his battleaxe of an ex wife doesn't get his Tijauana poker winnings


damn that's a clever joke, it even features alienation.


He could make a crowd laugh at the mere mention of "9/11", he was a comedian sorcerer



I was so sick off rightwing hipster zoomies sucking him off that I got happy when I saw his death news

Also funny seeing all the left comedy twitter idolising him so hard when they would've scolded him 100% alive.

Le greatest comedian. Whatever. Cue the shitty bob saget and 9/11 joke to circlejerk


Norm is my autism score test. If you speak native English, you failed spectacuarly


This user has never laughed sincerely in their life.


I prefer to imagine that he faked his death. That's something this prankster would do.


It sucks dudes. Puts his battle with cancer bit in a new light. He just accepted his death and didn't do chemo or nothing.

Tryhard edgelord. Wish death on the rightists that wanted to appropriate him, not on the guy himself who was genuinely funny.


>Boohoo if you don't kiss the ring and say good things about the dead you're edgy
Go fuck yourself posers
I said what I said

Grow a thicker skin


You can kiss my ring (asshole)


its time for a history lesson, whipperanapper
everything he does is for a reason, notice how he drinks out of everything on the desk within 5 minutes


heres your daily dose of cringe


Why are you so gay.


Eat shit dumb lib.


post video of his 911 sorcery joke


File: 1632000257207.mp4 ( 13.06 MB , 1280x720 , 9-11 was a National Traged….mp4 )

As you wish




File: 1632342232941.jpg ( 180.58 KB , 1080x1167 , Screenshot_20210922-162226….jpg )



he cleaned his room, eh?


>rightoid loves rightoid


The moth joke is easily my favorite joke of his. I“ve recited it at a couple parties and got some good reactions to it

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