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Who else likes to watch commercials? I find them to be entertaining and I also love to hear about new products to buy.
Post your favorite commercials!


Unironically I do enjoy watching them if they leave all pretension and are just absurd, funny or sexy
I love looking at adverts from 60s and 70s just to see the vibe of that time

Food commercials are my favourite because they're always colourful.
You remember those sexy burger ads? They did a meta retcon of those ads within their universe which I thought was funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrsJFDaAaLU

I am not swayed however by the consumerist crap capitalists throw at me. I have little money so I have to be wise with it.

The most recent commercial that has been stuck on my mind was the sandvich one with the guy from everybody loves raymond from this year's superbowl


I can't stand comercials and advertisments. They make me want to shoot myself in the face. Any proper communist should feel the same way.


You are weak.


Weakness is a spook. I am intelligent enough to block them and not subject myself to porkies psychological manipulation.


Strength is everything

When the porkies force us to view ads everyday to live, I will be able to save my amazon rocks to unlock 24 hours of freedom to bomb the HQ while you will keep spending them all on 10 minute McD micro-cations due to lack of training



I hate it bros, I know I said advertising doesn't work on me and I literally never noticed all that background product placement on Man Of Steel

But blatant product placement really works on me

And the ghouls are planning to digitally target you now

>Niagra.Techies x265 (Spirte Edition)

>Nigra.Techies.x265 (Coke Edition)

Apparently they do shit like this already with sports


>I literally never noticed all that background product placement on Man Of Steel
There is no product placements in the back of Stalin pictures what are you talking about ?

if they can programmatically put adds into the video somebody will find a way to make an ad-blocker so you can watch it with actors holding green-screen-painted dummy objects that work as placeholders


You're weak.


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>Who else likes to watch commercials?


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kys ogre


>using the booru is an .ogre tactic now
touch grass you paranoid freak


Lmfao holy shit. I hate org fags but God damn. Meds guys meds.

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