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File: 1628546256849.jpg ( 32.57 KB , 600x600 , shhh.jpg )


Any of you hipsters at heart? You got a song/band that less well known and you want it to stay that way. You get pissed if a song you like becomes trendy on youtube or ticktock or becomes /mu/core? shit stupid, but it feels good to feel special. Post that music in this thread. Doesn't have to be super obscure, but something that most music fans wouldn't have heard about.


File: 1628546400901.mp4 ( 4.77 MB , 360x360 , nasenbluten.mp4 )

Proper aussie hardcore


I don't think anyone genuinely wants to hoard their favorite music all to themselves.




File: 1628584204220.mp4 ( 10.9 MB , 640x360 , echo.mp4 )



I want to be the only dude in their polycule



The Beatles


I only hate to share because my irl friend knows im familiar with imageboards and I hate to come off as a /mu/ drone if it was to catch on

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