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File: 1621062683940.jpg ( 70.52 KB , 638x825 , moore.jpg )


I feel like a poser enjoying music with lyrics I don't understand.


wait til you discover zeuhl


fuck music nerds. there is no music you can listen to without a group of snowflakes trying to gatekeep and make you feel like a "poser". just tell them they're nerds and they can suck your dick.


your enjoyment of music is valid


then try to translate and understand the lyrics
but i don't feel that way about being a poser just cause you don't understand or know the lyrics by heart

it's okay

why are you here chriscom
i'm pretty sure listening to music before marraige is a sin


No need to feel like that. Music belongs to everyone in the world, man


Not OP but thank you for this advice. It's just what I needed to hear.


>this my jam


lyrics are like a double edge sword sometimes, you either resonate with them or not or the voice distracts from the music, if you dont understand the language the vocals kind of meld into the song like just another instrument.


Music in languages I know is bad, I know what they're saying.
Japanese music is GOOD because it reminds me of animay.


wait til you discover cardiacs


File: 1623675795324.jpg ( 107.07 KB , 720x720 , System Blower.jpg )

got the DNA of gothic lemons


Or grindcore.

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