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/edu/ - Education

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File: 1608528035128.jpeg ( 17.37 KB , 474x346 , christiananarchism.jpeg )


Educate me on weapons


you can die from them


sounds dangerous




I likes guns


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Here's The Ar/k/, ~300 Gigs of condensed knowledge. Mostly about guns, but lock-picking and other handy skills, too.

Since it's so big, I suggest starting the torrent and then unchecking all the folders and topics you're not currently interested in. Hold on to the torrent and load new modules when needed, deleting old stuff as you go along.


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While this is a thread,
Is pic related (hanging bricks from rifle) part of training for weapons in militaries/militias? Is it really that heavy/straining to aim with a rifle for a prolonged period of time that this is necessary? Or is the purpose of it to make aim steadier/less shaky (or does it even help with that at all)?


Reminder to mods that that there's also >>>/hobby/5906 (/k/ thread).
Maybe it fits better here on /edu/ though? I mean it's education for self-defense (which is pretty damn important for our context as a lefty imageboard).
I'd be for moving weapons threads over to /edu/.


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I think it's to get the muscles you use for aiming stronger, that way you can be steadier.


dont this this fucking retarded plus steady aim only recquires normal strenght


Something tells me the only retard here is you, though feel free to prove me wrong.


Yes, but not necessarily bricks. US Army had us use our canteens for example.


>Is it really that heavy/straining to aim with a rifle for a prolonged period of time that this is necessary?
Try it yourself. Hold something 5lbs (~2.25 freedom hating units) out with an extended arm for as long as you can. Isometrics will kick your ass.


/k/ is on >>>/hobby/

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