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File: 1608528013658.png ( 1.93 MB , 1920x1304 , communebarricade.png )


The Paris Commune successfully establishes socialism in France. What now?
ITT: Post and speculate about alternate history.




File: 1608528014105.jpg ( 572.44 KB , 1700x1164 , l49rqmmtf0311.jpg )

My guess is the monarchies/government of the old regime would just double down on suppressing any mention of socialism/communism within the nation


Seeing how there was many coalitions again the Republic when they won their revolution, I'd assume the imperial powers would do the same.


Speculate: What would have happened if Bordiga got his way at the last meeting of the executive council of the Comintern in 1926?


Lenin lives to see WW2.


Soviets still win


Kill yourselves


have sex


File: 1608528262541.jpg ( 103.78 KB , 276x396 , Sylvis.jpg )

What if William H. Sylvis had lived longer? Could he have forged a stronger working class movement? Perhaps change the outcome of the Great Railroad Strike?


Suggestion for another alt history
Trotsky's tact against the Nazi Army

What if he didn't abandon the USSR and worked with Stalin in defeating Germany


What would a Medieval America be Like?


Their fighters were mostly former soldiers, so it would probably devolve into a junta. After the Prussians leave, they would have to go back to normal to unite with the rest of the country and France would probably become a republic.

So, nothing would really change.


What if the French and Italian communists started armed revolts in their countries immediately after WW2


Soviets win the war in afghanistan
Do they still fail like the americans or not?


Afghanistan gets a coup after the USSR falls

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