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Hey Leftychads
Whatcha readin?
Pic related is the import shipment I just received. Probably going to read the Greene book first since I'm in a springtime lull before I start summer projects. What about u.


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>Imagine paying for books
>Imagine reading paper books
>Imagine posting photos of your paper books
pretentious larpers


I admit to being a pretentious LARPer.
So what are you reading, anon?


History books and computer manuals mostly. Also ancient literature, tho I can't stand long-ass poetry, my interest is mostly historical.


You're perfect just the way you are, anon


Don't feed thetroll.

Not everyone can stair at a computer screen for 24+ hours.


pretentious faggot
modern screens are better for your eyes than you fag paper books
you can even zoom in


>Hormone disrupted consoomer has logged in


Which ones in particular?


What's it to you? mind your own business.


No need to be upset anon, I was just curious. After all, this thread is about what books we're reading.

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