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 No.7043[View All]

A while back, I wrote a summary of every chapter from Robert Greene's '48 Laws of Power.'

If you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend. These summaries don't do the book justice, since I've stripped away the historical anecdotes and quotes which really make the work come to life. However, I think there are still some interesting tidbits and lessons in these summaries, so I thought I'd share.
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From Robert Greene:

>"Do not accept the rules that society foists on you. Recreate yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you."

>"The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed. Your power is limited to the tiny amount allotted to the role you have selected or you've been forced to assume."

>"The first step in the process of self-creation is self-consciousness - being aware of yourself as an actor and taking control of your appearance and emotions."

>"Good actors control themselves better. They can play sincere and heartfelt, they can affect a tear and a compassionate look at will, but they don't have to feel it."

>"The second step in the process of self creation is… The creation of a memorable character, one that compels attention, that stands out above the other players on the stage."

>"Learn to play many roles, to be whatever the moment requires. Adapt your mask to the situation - be protean in the faces you wear. Bismarck played this game to perfection: to a liberal he was a liberal, to a hawk he was a hawk."

Whether consciously or not, you are always playing a role in the eyes of others.

Once you understand this, you can choose the role you play, and you can begin to play it well.

The opposite is acting according to will and feeling, which will almost always produce a less than optimum result.

To those who see you as a master, be a master of the highest caliber. To those you see you as a student, be studious.

When you are in public, put on a public face. Save your true thoughts and feelings for either your most intimate confidants or a diary. No need to fruitlessly express yourself in a way which diminishes your power and muddles your aura.

This may sound disingenuous, but it’s also for other’s benefit. The esteem people have for you is determined by how well you play the role which they've come to know and expect of you.

<Action Steps

a) Determine who you want to be, not only according to you own characteristic, but also in the roles you play in others’ lives. Then act accordingly. Refine and alter the roles as you go along.
b) Refine the way you speak, hold your body, and appear to be more disarming and attractive you others.




From Robert Greene:

>"Our good name and reputation depend more on what we conceal than on what we reveal. Everyone makes mistakes, but those who are truly clever managed to hide them, and to make sure someone else is blamed."

>"Occasional mistakes are inevitable - the world is just too unpredictable. People of power, however, are undone not by the mistakes they make, but by the way they deal with them."

>"By apologizing you open yourself up to all sorts of doubts about your confidence, your intentions, and any other mistakes you may have not confessed. Excuses satisfy no one and apologies make everyone uncomfortable. The mistake does not vanish with an apology; it deepens and festers. Better to cut it off instantly, distract attention from yourself, and focus attention on a convenient scapegoat before people have time to ponder your responsibility or your possible incompetence."

>"In fact it is often wise to choose the most innocent victim possible as a sacrificial goat. Such people will not be powerful enough to fight you, and their naive protest may be seen as protesting too much - may be seen, in other words, as a sign of their guilt. Be careful, however, not to create a martyr. Is important that you remain the victim, the poor leader betrayed by the incompetence of those around you… Sometimes you should find a more powerful scapegoat - one who will elicit less sympathy in the long run."

This law of power is simple: never admit a genuine fault or failure, never apologize, always deflect blame or responsibility onto someone else.

Even when suspicions of your guilt remain, a shade of doubt will be introduced.

However, by admitting fault and apologizing, your accusers and other interested parties will sense your weakness. They will be provoked into launching further attacks on your character, accusing you of even more crimes.

Understand: apologies rarely exonerate you. They only signal your weakness.

When accused of something, deny or blame someone else. Mistakes may have been made, but shift responsibility away from yourself.

After a blunder, this is the only way to maintain credibility.

<Action steps

a) When it’s clear you’ve done something, blaming someone else has the effect of muddying the waters. This can be done for comedic effect or to break tension as well.
b) If you’re ever caught in a major scandal, blaming someone else is an obvious defense – albeit not always effective.




From Robert Greene:

>"If there is something unpleasant or unpopular that needs to be done, it is far too risky for you to do the work yourself. You need a cat's paw: someone who does the dirty, dangerous work for you. The cat's paw grabs what you need, hurts whom you need hurt, and keeps people from noticing that you are the one responsible. Let someone else be the executioner, or the bearer of bad news, while you bring only joy and glad tidings."

>"As a leader you may imagine that constant diligence, and the appearance of working harder than anyone else, signify power. Actually, though, they have the opposite effect: they imply weakness. Why are you working so hard? Perhaps you are incompetent, and you have to put an extra effort just to keep up; perhaps you're one of those people who does not know how to delegate, and has to meddle in everything. The truly powerful, on the other hand, seem never to be in a hurry or overburdened. While others work their fingers to the bone, they take their leisure. They know how to find the right people to put in the effort while they save their energy and keep their hands out of the fire. Similarly, you may believe that by taking on the dirty work yourself, involving yourself directly in unpleasant actions, you impose your power and instill fear. In fact you make yourself look ugly and abusive of your high position. Truly powerful people keep their hands clean. Only good things surround them, and the only announcements they make are of glorious achievements."

Get others to do the work for you, using subterfuge and deception if necessary, and sit back to reap the reward.

All economies of scale depend upon this cat's paw principle: some people to do the worst work while others profit.

Do not try to do everything yourself. Instead, become the capitalist. Learn to find people to work for you.

When engaged in a power struggle, it is wise to have others to do the brunt of the fighting on your behalf. Look for people who share a common enemy for such tasks. Let them wear themselves down whilst you sit back and wait for an opportune time to interject yourself into the fight.

In seduction and networking, it is much more impressive and genuine-sounding when someone else mentions your achievements. Get a wing man or friend to mention your best qualities. This way, you will avoid the appearance of bragging or try-hard behavior.

<Action items:

>a) Getting others to do minor things if you is a subtle assertion of power. For those relation in which power is an integral part, exercising your ability to have others do things for you helps to establish or reinforce the relationship or power dynamic. Give it a try. Similarly, be mindful when others are operating on you in a similar way.


What is this sophomoric self-help faggotry?


Not sure. but if it makes fags like you seethe, it can't be that bad


>I like stupid thing, because people I don't like call it stupid


>Barely reads anything outside of a very narrow niche of books
>Books they read are chosen not because of general interest but rather a passionate agreement
>Never has anything to say about said books, beyond 'read x', on their own dead forum
>Calls people stupid who discuss wider reading selection
The absolute state of leftychan


>a very narrow niche of books
Lel, "not self-help trash" is a pretty damn big niche.



From Robert Greene:

>"As humans, we have a desperate need to believe in something, anything. This makes us eminently gullible: you simply cannot endure long periods of doubt, or of the emptiness that comes from a lack of something to believe in. Dangle in front of us some new cause, elixir, get-rich-quick scheme, or the latest technological trend or art movement and we leap from the water… to take the bait."

>"To create a cult you must first attract attention… Your initial speeches, conversations, and interviews must include two elements: on one hand the promise of something great and transformative, and on the other a total vagueness… To make your vagueness attractive, use words of great resonance but cloudy meaning, words full of heat and enthusiasm."

>"Once people have begun to gather around you, two dangers will present themselves: boredom and skepticism… You need to amuse the bored, then, and ward off the cynics…The best way to do this is through theater, or other devices of its kind. Surround yourself with luxury, dazzle your followers with visual splendor, fill their eyes with spectacle."

>"To emphasize your gathering's quasi-religious nature, talk and act like a prophet. You are not a dictator, after all; you are a priest, a guru, a sage, a shaman, or any other word that hides your real power in the mist of religion."

>"Yet you must never be seen as hungry for money and the power it brings… By surrounding yourself with luxury you become living proof of the soundness of your belief system. Never reveal that your wealth actually comes from your followers' pockets; instead, make it seem to come from the truth of your methods."

>"To keep your followers united, you must now do what all religions and belief systems have done: create an us-versus-them dynamic… First, make sure your followers believe they're part of an exclusive club, unified by a bond of common goals. Then, to strengthen this bond, manufacture the notion of a devious enemy out to ruin you. There is a force of non-believers that will do anything to stop you. Any outsider who tries to reveal the charlatan nature of your belief system can now be described as a member of this devious force. If you have no enemies, invent one."

>"Remember: people are not interested in the truth about change. They do not want to hear that it has come from hard work, or from anything as banal as exhaustion, boredom, or depression; they are dying to believe in something romantic, otherworldly. They want to hear of angels and out-of-body experiences. Indulge them… The bigger and bolder your illusion, the better."

Cults exist in many forms.

Self-help trends, political movements, spiritual tendencies, and even sports clubs can all be transformed by a few charismatic individuals into a cult. The group setting makes the cult allure even stronger. On the one hand, expressing doubt can lead to ostracism. On the other, the lack of internal dissent reinforces each members belief and devotion.

Once initiated into a cult, it can be difficult to leave. The cult defines not only one's social life, but also life purpose. Individual will is subsumed into the group, and value is defined in accordance to the understood goals of the cult.

Be weary of those making grand promises, especially when they have a devoted following.

<Action Step:

>a) Use popularity to build more popularity.
>b) When selling, stress that others have benefited from what you offer. Let others sell: your devoted customers and clients. Build a culture and sense of ‘us’ around your brand.


Look at the wannabe L. Ron Hubbard.


Posting out downs won't make your life suck lesd


English, mother fucker, do you speak it?



From Robert Greene:

>"Timidity is dangerous: better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid."

>"When putting together a con or entering any kind of negotiation, go further than you planned. Ask for the moon and you will be surprised how often you get it."

>"People have a sixth sense for the weaknesses of others. If, in the first encounter, you demonstrate your willingness to compromise, back down, and retreat, you bring out the lion even in people who are not necessarily bloodthirsty."

>"By intimidating with a bold move, you establish a precedent: in every subsequent encounter, people will be on the defensive, in terror of your next strike."

>"When you take time to think, you hem and haw, you create a gap that allows others time to think as well."

>"The timid fade into the wallpaper, the bold draw attention, and what draws attention draws power."

>"Search out the most prominent target possible and sling your boldest shot. The world will enjoy the spectacle, and will honor the underdog - you, that is - with glory and power."

>"Although we may disguise our timidity as a concern for others, a desire not to hurt or offend them, it is in fact the opposite - we are really self-absorbed, worried about ourselves and how others might perceive us. Boldness, on the other hand, is outer-directed, and it often makes people feel more at ease, since it is less self-conscious and less repressed."

>"You must practice and develop your boldness. You will often find uses for it. The best place to begin is often in the delicate world of negotiation, particularly those discussions in which you're asked to set your own price."

>"Your fears of the consequences of a bold action are way out of proportion to reality, and in fact the consequences of timidity are worse."

You can get away with much more than you imagine…. so long as you act with boldness.

Argue for your case. Be assertive, never back down.

When negotiating, start with a price that you imagine is way too low or high (depending if you are the buyer or seller).

In seduction, rid yourself of timidity. Shyness signals to the target that you've had little romantic success, and are thus of low mate value.

In a fight, strike first and with force. Then keep pressing forward. Do not give your opponent time or space to think or recover.

We intuitively distrust the timid. We imagine they are hiding something.

But even if you ARE hiding something, a bold move will distract from this fact.

While we imagine that boldness will bother people, the opposite is actually the case. People typically crave the spectacle and entertainment that boldness creates.

As the saying goes, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Action steps:
>a) Practice speaking up and speaking first. People don’t wave, they wave back. They don’t say hello, they say hi back.
>b) Practice being disagreeable and saying no to people while holding the tension.
>c) In you interactions, push yourself out of your own comfort zone.
>d) In a fight, attack swiftly, unexpectedly, and unrelentingly.



From Robert Greene:

>"Most men are ruled by their heart, not their head. Their plans are vague, and when they meet obstacles they improvise. But improvisation will only bring you as far as the next crisis, and is never a substitute for thinking several steps ahead and planning to the end."

>"Because most people are too imprisoned in the moment to plan with this kind of foresight, the ability to ignore immediate dangers and pleasures translates into power."

>"Most people believe that they are in fact aware of the future, that they are planning and thinking ahead. They're usually deluded: what they are really doing is succumbing to their desires, to what they want the future to be. Their plans are vague, based on their imaginations rather than their reality."

>"So much of power is not what you do but what you do not do - the rash and foolish actions that you refrain from before they get you into trouble. Plan in detail before you act - do not let vague plans lead you into trouble. Will this have unintended consequences? Will I stir up new enemies? Will someone else take advantage of my labors? Unhappy endings are much more common than happy ones - do not be swayed by the happy ending in your mind."

>"The ending is everything. It is the end of the action that determines who gets the glory, the money, the prize. Your conclusion must be crystal clear, and you must keep it constantly in mind."

>"When you see several steps ahead, you plan your moves all the way to the end, you will no longer be tempted by emotion or by the desire to improvise. Your clarity will rid you of the anxiety and vagueness that are the primary reasons why so many fail to conclude their actions successfully. You see the ending and you tolerate no deviation."

In his landmark book, 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,’ Stephen Covey reminds us to ‘begin with the end in mind.’

Start with the goal, and work backwards. What steps are needed to get there?

In the West, there is a culture of vague optimism. 'Everything work work out,' we like to tell ourselves. But this is not always the case.

It is better to think concretely and to have definite plans. Don’t simply hope for the best.

'No one became an astronaut by accident.'

Without a plan and clear vision for the future, you easily become a pawn in someone else's plan. It is imperative, then, to not only have a goals and plans, but also to create habits and systems which ensure their realization. Be brutally honest with yourself. Know in advance what you'll have to do (and the sacrifices you'll have to make) in order to reach your intended destination.

Often things don't go according to plan. In these moments, it's prudent to push forward. When trudging through the Amazon, piranhas inevitably bite your ankles. Rather than stopping to pull them off (which gives times for more to attack), keep going.

Keep your goal in mind. If you must change plans, so be it.

Have a clear end, and don’t be easily sidetracked or taken in by the requests or interests of others.

Action plans:
>a) Define in succinct clarity how you would like different areas of your life to be. Then plan backwards to understand what it will take to get there.
>b) When planning your day and week, clarify your tasks. Ask yourself what ultimate purpose each task serves. What is the why behind what you’re doing.



From Robert Greene:

>"As a person of power, you must research and practice endlessly before appearing in public, on stage or anywhere else.

>"Practice in all things a certain nonchalance which conceals all artistry and makes whatever one says or does seem uncontrived and effortless."

>"What is understandable is not awe-inspiring - we tell ourselves we could do as well if we had the money and time. Avoid the temptation of showing how clever you are - it is far more clever to conceal the mechanisms of your cleverness."

>"There is another reason for concealing your shortcuts and tricks: When you let this information out, you give people ideas they can use against you. You lose the advantages of keeping silent. We tend to want the world to know what we have done - we want our vanity gratified by having our hard work and cleverness applauded, and we may even want sympathy for the hours it has taken to reach our point of artistry."

>"The more mystery surrounds your actions, the more awesome your power seems. You appear to be the only one who can do what you can do - and the appearance of having an exclusive gift is immensely powerful."

If I told you how much work went into this book, you'd not be impressed. Similarly, I'm not taken aback by the volume of research which went into Robert Greene's book.

Instead, we naturally appreciate the end result and the value or entertainment it provides. We rush to see the monument without pondering the labor which created it.

The same could be said of our feats. To maximize impact, they must appear to be done with ease and a sort of natural grace.

A pick up artist's charm and smoothness is impressive - until one considers how much practice he put into developing it.

More practically, when doing anything exceptional, act as if it's no big deal. Don't appear to sweat or be strained. When delivering a gift or fulfilling a request, do so with nonchalance and an air of indifference. Never act as if they’re a burden.

Don't reveal the degree to which you've worked to attain a result. Instead, appear naturally talented and people will be doubly impressed.

<a) Never talk about how difficult work is (or how anything else is) for you.

<b) If you ever give a gift or do someone a favor, never make a big deal about it. Act as if it was no burden at all, even if it was. This is especially the case in romance and courtship.



From Robert Greene:

>"The best deceptions are ones that seem to give other people a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose.”

>"Withdrawal and disappearance are classic ways of controlling the options. You give people a sense of how things will fall apart without you, you offer them a "choice": I stay away and you suffer the consequences or I return under circumstances that I dictate. In this method of controlling people's options, they choose the option that gives you power because the alternative is just too unpleasant. You force their hand, but indirectly they seem to have a choice. Whenever people feel they have a choice, they walk into your trap that much more easily."

>“People who are choosing between alternatives find it hard to believe they are being manipulated or deceived they cannot see that you are allowing them a small amount of free will in exchange for a much more powerful imposition of your own will. Setting up a narrow range of choices, then, should always be part of your deceptions.”

>"Proposed three or four choices of action for each situation, and present them in such a way that the one preferred always seems the best solution compared to the others. This is an excellent device to use on an insecure master." [Paraphrased]

>"A good technique to use on children and other willful people who enjoy doing the opposite of what you ask them to: push them to choose what you want them to do by appearing to advocate the opposite."

>"Raise the price every time the buyer hesitates or another day goes by. This is an excellent negotiating ploy to use on the chronically indecisive, who will fall for the idea that they are getting a better deal today than if they wait until tomorrow."

>"It is always good to allow your victims their choice of poison."

As a person of power, you never want to seem as if you are controlling everything. Instead, it is best to apply subtle influence, thus avoid resentment and indemnity. If others make a ‘free’ choice, they are more likely to accept (or even defend) the outcome.

Create options – all of which serve your interests – and offer them to those who want to maintain their sense of independence and self-determination. You will still hold power. Most powerfully of all, your influence will be unobserved yet nonetheless effective.

Remember that people will always resist what is forced on them. However, if they are able to choose, they will be more invested.

<Action steps:

a) Always present options, all of which serve you. (Or are otherwise presented in a way so as to make one choice – your preference – seem clearly better.)
b) When dealing with unruly subjects, offer choices and options, ways out for them, while still being strict and holding them to account for their choices. Later, after emotions of the moment have died down, they will see you as both reasonable and respectable.



From Robert Greene:

>"Never appeal to truth and reality unless you're prepared for the anger that comes from disenchantment. Life Is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert: everyone flocks to them."

>"To gain power, you must be a source of pleasure for those around you - and pleasure comes from playing to people's fantasies. Never promise of gradual improvement through hard work; rather, promise the moon, the great and sudden transformation, the pot of gold."

>"The key to fantasy is distance. The distant has a allure and promise, seems simple and problem-free. What you're offering, then, should be ungraspable. Never let it become oppressively familiar; it is the mirage in the distance, withdrawing as the sucker approaches."

">It is the oppressiveness of reality that allows fantasy to take root and bloom."

People loved to be entertained, to swept away in a romance, or a cause, or adventure, or fantasy. Simply by acted differently that others, yet in a very self-aware manner, you capture attention.

As you develop relationships with people, ensure you play to each person’s desires.

With women you are seeing casually, your meetings ought be a relaxing yet somewhat adventurous affair which are outside her day to day. Accomplish this through a combination of having a charming personality, strong d game, have introducing variety.

<Action steps:

a) Create mini-dramas and role plays which other people can participate in.
b) Use allegories and fantasies to support your cause or sell your ideas.



From Robert Greene:

>"Each man has a weakness… Once found, it is a thumb screw you can turn to your advantage." [paraphrased]

>"If you suspect that someone has a particular soft spot, probe for it indirectly… Find people's idols, the things they worship and will do anything to get - perhaps you can be the supplier of their fantasies."

>"Most weaknesses begin in childhood, before the self builds up compensatory defenses… One sign of this weakness is that when you touch on it the person will often act like a child. Be on the lookout, then, for any behavior that should have been outgrown."

">If they reveal a secret taste, a hidden indulgence, indulge it."

>"An overt trait often conceals its opposite. People who thump their chests are often big cowards; a prudish exterior may hide a lascivious soul; the upright are often screaming for adventure; the shy are dying for attention."

>"Sometimes in your search for weaknesses it is not what but who that matters. In today's versions of the court, there is often someone behind the scenes who has a great deal of power, a tremendous influence over the person superficially on top. These behind-the-scenes powerbrokers are the group's weak link: win their favor and you indirectly influence the king."

>"The two main emotional voids to fill are insecurity and unhappiness… The insecure and unhappy are the people least able to disguise their weaknesses. The ability to fill their emotional voids is a great source of power, and an indefinitely prolongable one."

>"Look for the part of a person that is most visible - their greed, their lust, their intense fear. These are the emotions they cannot conceal, and over which they have the least control. And what people cannot control, you can control for them."

>"People's need for validation and recognition, their need to feel important, is the best kind of weakness to exploit. First, it is almost universal; second, exploiting it is so very easy. All you have to do is find ways to make people feel better about their taste, their social standing, their intelligence. Once the fish are hooked, you can reel them in again and again, for years - you are filling a positive role, giving them what they cannot get on their own. They may never suspect that you are turning them like a thumbscrew, and if they do they may not care, because you are making them feel better about themselves, and that is worth any price"

>"Timidity is a weakness to exploit. Timid souls often yearn to be their opposite - to be Napoleons. Yet they lack the inner strength. You, in essence, can become their Napoleon, pushing them into bold actions that serve your needs while also making them dependent on you."

Every person has some sort of weakness. Look for unfulfilled desires or unrealized dreams. The greater the longing, the easier it is to control them.

It's not surprising that pimps and players operate most successfully on women with unresolved daddy issues. Girls who lack a strong father figure have an innate need feel the security that a strong male can provide.

Men are no better. The need to feel competent, present in all men, is an weakness that can be readily exploited. Simply tell them they're doing awesome and you'll quickly win their favor. It's hard to go overboard with this. Even when someone realizes you're bullshitting them, the praise feels so go - and it's that feeling that people gravitate toward.

Figure out what someone lacks, and fill that role. By doing so, your value will be hard to replace, and your influence over them will guaranteed.

There is another important lesson in Law 33: seek to truly understand other people.

You *can simply plow over people with a dominant personality.

However, it is much better, especially over the long run, to develop the habit of seeking to understand others. Practice seeing others as they are – their emotional habits, values, self-images, and quirks – and you will be more adept at influencing people over the long term.

<Action steps:

a) When interacting with people, take note if something causes an emotional reaction.
b) Understand what others need or lack, find ways you can provide it.



From Robert Greene:

>"The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated. In the long run, appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you."

>"Leaders who try to dissolve that distance through a false chumminess gradually lose the ability to inspire loyalty, fear, or love. Instead they elicit contempt."

>"Understand: it is within your power to set your own price. How you carry yourself reflects what you think of yourself. If you ask for little, shuffle your feet and lower your head, people will assume this reflects your character. But this behavior is not you - it is only how you have chosen to present yourself to other people. You can just as easily present another front: buoyancy, confidence, and the feeling that you are born to wear a crown." [paraphrased]

>"The trick is simple: be overcome by your self-belief. Even while you know you are practicing a kind of deception on yourself, act like a king. You are likely to be treated as one."

>"You have to act differently, demonstrating your distance from those around you. One way to emphasize your difference is to always act with dignity, no matter the circumstance."

>"Con artists have long known the value of an aristocratic front; it either disarms people and makes them less suspicious, or else it intimidates them and puts them on the defensive."

>"Always make a bold demand. Set your price high and do not waver."

>"Remember - it is up to you to set your own price. Ask for less and that is just what you will get. Ask for more, however, and you send a signal that you are worth a king's ransom. Even those who turn you down respect you for your confidence, and that respect will gradually pay off in ways you cannot imagine."

The easiest way to command other's respect is to act as if you expect it.

Make bold demands confidently. You will often be surprised how often others cave into your will. Simply by making a grand request, you signal a higher value. Set high expectations and others will feel honored to serve you. Set low expectations, and others will see you as a lowly master who doesn't deserve their support.

In seduction, don't try to dress 'high-value.' Instead, dress like a guy who is successful with women and who has many lovers. Woman will perceive you in a sexual light, not as merely a stable provider of resources.

You can, to a large extent, control how people perceive you. Carry yourself, dress, and act in accordance to the role you wish to fulfill.

Along with dress, practice behaviors and subtle body language which hints at your higher status. Take up space, use grand gestures, move in a slow and controlled manner. People will naturally assume you are the person who commands admiration and respect. Act like a king to be treated like one.

<Action steps:

a) Dress better than you do now. Follow men’s fashion instagrams, pay attention to how popular musicians, actors, influencers, and celebrities dress. Out of what is popular, settle on a look which is appropriate to your body type and personality – and which commands the sort of attention you want.
b) Stand up straight. Learn how to if you don’t know. Mind you own body language. You should generally appear relaxed and pleased.


OP, are you Robert Green? I can't imagine anyone else posting every last page of this popular tripe without getting a single bit of feedback that isn't something like "what is this sophomoric self-help faggorty?"



From Robert Greene:

>"Never seem to be in a hurry - hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time."

>"It is critical to recognize the spirit of the times. Always look two steps ahead, find the wave that will carry you to power, and ride it." [Paraphrased]

>"If the inner turmoil caused by our emotions tends to make time move faster, it follows that once we control our emotional responses to events, time will move much more slowly. This altered way of dealing with things tends to lengthen our perception of future time, opens up possibilities that fear and anger close off, and allows us the patience that is the principal requirement in the art of timing."

>"There are three kinds of time for us to deal with; each presents problems that can be solved with skill and practice. First there is long time: the drawn-out, years-long kind of time that must be managed with patience and gentle guidance. Our handling of long time should be mostly defensive - this is the art of not reacting impulsively, of waiting for opportunity. Next there is forced time: the short-term time that we can manipulate as an offensive weapon, upsetting the timing of our opponents. Finally there is end time, when a plan must be executed with speed and force. We have waited, found the moment, and must not hesitate."


>"When you force the pace out of fear and impatience, you create a nest of problems that require fixing, and you end up taking much longer than if you had taken your time. Hurriers may occasionally get there quicker, but papers fly everywhere, new dangers arise, and they find themselves in constant crisis mode, fixing the problems that they themselves have created."

>"Waiting involves controlling not only your own emotions but those of your colleagues, who, mistaking action for power, may try to push you into making rash moves. In your rivals, on the other hand, you can encourage the same mistake: if you let them rush headlong into trouble while you stand back and wait, you will soon find right moment to intervene and pick up the pieces."

>"You do not deliberately slow down time to live longer, or to take more pleasure in the moment, but to better play the game of power."

>"Do not be a flash in the pan - success that is built up slowly and surely is the only kind that lasts."


>"The trick forcing time is to upset the timing of others - to make them hurry, to make them wait, to make them abandon their own pace, to distort their perception of time. By upsetting the timing of your opponent while you stay patient, you open up time for yourself, which is half the game."

>"Making people wait is a powerful way of forcing time, as long as they do not figure out what you are up to. You control the clock, they linger in limbo - and rapidly come unglued, opening up opportunities for you to strike. The opposite effect is equally powerful: you make your opponents hurry. Start off your dealings with them slowly, then suddenly apply pressure making them feel that everything is happening at once."

>"The deadline, then, is a powerful tool. Close off the vistas of indecision and force people to make up their damn minds or get to the point - never let them make you play on their excruciating terms."

>"Going slower also makes what you are doing more interesting - the audience yields to your pace, becomes entranced."


>"You can play the game with the upmost artistry - waiting patiently for the right moment to act, putting your competitors off their form by messing with their timing - but it won't mean a thing unless you know how to finish."

>"Patience is worthless unless combined with a willingness to fall ruthlessly on your opponent at the right moment. You can wait as long as necessary for the conclusion to come, but when it comes it must come quickly."

Mastering timing has three distinct aspects: deliberate patience, upsetting other's perception of time, and execution.

When we rush, we easily make mistakes. We may not recognize opportunities as the appear. Or perhaps we rush into action when it is more advantageous to bide our time. If only we had waited, we may have encountered a more propitious outcome.

The clearest example of this was the involvement of the United States during both World War 1 and 2. In both cases, America sat back for years while the other warring parties decimated each other. Not only was the United States able to decide the outcome in both wars, but was best positioned to determine the terms of their resolutions. Intelligent actors often wait, bide their time, and only act when it is clearly the best time to intervene - often after everyone else has expended their power and resources. But once the strike, it it with surprising speed.

Controlling other people's perception of time is also a powerful weapon. By either forcing others to wait or to act, we control both their options and (to some extent) their psychological state. This is why being late for a first date is often wise. It makes the other person nervous, wondering if you will actually show up. Their worry and subsequent sense of relief when you arrive is a jarring psychological experience which is often interpreted as attraction. Powerful people make their power known (and felt) by controlling the time of others.

Law 35 is also useful when conducting meetings. Arrange not only a starting time but also an ending time. Regardless if others are late or not, the meeting ends at a predetermined time. This creates a particular implication: ‘my time is important to me and cannot be manipulated. Even if you are late, I still determine when I leave.’

Do not let others impose themselves over you by controlling your time. Doing so is to surrender power itself.

Finally, there is execution. You must possess the ability to act with alarming quickness and efficiency at exactly the right moment. Even if you are patient and able to control your opponent’s timing, this won't matter if you can't take a decisive act which leads to victory.

When the moment is right, you must strike. Do not assume your previous actions assure success. Make a move; deal the final blow.

It is often the end, the final few minutes or seconds, which matter the most. In these cases, you must not hesitate or draw things out. Instead, take bold action.

<Action steps:

a) Practice doing everything slow and deliberate. The way you move, they way you talk, the way you glance around. Never seem jerky or sudden in movement. This will give you an air of dominance and superiority.
b) Recognize that determining timing has serious implications in power. As such, learn to force others to delay or rush as a means of ensuring your own dominance. If someone else is attempting to control your time, refuse to play or otherwise act to put them back into your frame.


Considering that the modern left is absolutely powerless and failed outside of cultural leftist faggotry, I would assume you'd have a bit more humility and willingness to learn.


>I can't imagine people doing things that don't result in upvooots and online validation


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>Muh, every page from the book
>Muh, self help
What an ignorant faggot



From Robert Greene:

>"By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility."

>"You choose to let things bother you. You can just as easily choose not to notice the irritating offender, to consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest. This is the powerful move. What you do not react to cannot drag you down into a futile engagement."

>"If it is impossible to ignore, then conspire in secret to do away with it, but never inadvertently draw attention to the bothersome insect that will go away or die on its own."

>"When you pay attention to a person, the two of you become partners of sorts, each moving in step to the actions and reactions of the other… By acknowledging other people, even if only to fight with them, you open yourself to their influence."

>"By ignoring people you cancel them out. This unsettles and infuriates them - but since they have no dealings with you, there is nothing they can do…This is the offensive aspect of the law. Playing the card of contempt is immensely powerful, for it lets you determines the conditions of the conflict."

>"Desire often creates paradoxical effects: the more you want something, the more you chase after it, the more it eludes you. The more interest you show, the more you repel the object of your desire. This is because your interest is too strong - it makes people awkward, even fearful. Uncontrollable desire makes you seem weak, unworthy, pathetic."

>"If choosing to ignore enhances your power, it follows that the opposite approach - commitment and engagement - often weakens you. By paying undue attention to a puny enemy, you look puny, and the longer it takes you to crush such an enemy, the larger the enemy seems."

>"Instead of inadvertently focusing attention on a problem, making it seem worse by publicizing how much concern and anxiety it is causing you, it is often wiser to play the contemptuous aristocrat, not deigning to acknowledge the problem's existence."

>"If there is something you want but that you realize you cannot have, the worst thing you can do is draw attention to your disappointment by complaining about it. An indefinitely more powerful tactic is to act as if it never really interested you in the first place."

>"Similarly when you yourself have committed a blunder, the best response is often to make less of your mistake by treating it lightly…If we make excuses and denials when we are caught in a mistake or deception, we stir the waters and make the situation worse."

By focusing on things, we give them more influence and power over us. The solution is simple, choose to focus on something different.

This is especially important in seduction. The person more focused on the other is the one with the least power. Therefore, it is wise to use your attention strategically. Only give attention when it is deserved and reciprocated. Withdraw attention to punish bad behavior and non-compliance. Don't fall into the trap of chasing a love interest. Your constant attention will drive them away. If a particular girl isn't responding to calls or messages, cut them off entirely. Even if preemptive ghosting doesn't bring them back, you will have freed up your mental capacity to focus on seducing others.

Don't magnify petty problems out of proportion. Instead, give them no attention at all. Thus, they often cease to be problems at all. While you can’t always control outside events, you can control how your perceive them.

Especially important: avoid the plight of the complainer. Never reveal or publicize the problems you're facing.

<Action steps:

A) Only discuss your problems if it is strategically sound. Most of the time, no one cares about the difficulties you are facing. Talking about them won’t create sympathy for you. The more likely result is that people will come to see you as someone who is surrounded by problems, and they will avoid you. On the other hand, revealing some problems under the right conditions can make you appear more relatable. Revealing your own minor problems can also be used as a tactic to get others to talk about issues they are facing. In general, never complain. If you do talk about problems you are facing, do so in a smart, strategic way.

B) Similarly, feigning disinterest will often cause others to chase you more, as long as done in a measured way. Most people’s egos can only stand so much rejection. If you don’t do enough to encourage and reward attention and desire, those you are aiming to influence may well end up using Law 36 on you.


You would need low self-esteem to take this horseshit seriously.
LOL, go ahead and post the rest then. Nobody cares.




>nobody is reading your shit
>u-u-u mad



From Robert Greene:

>"Stage spectacles for those around you,… full of arresting visuals and radiant symbols that heighten your presence. Dazzled by appearances, no one will notice what you are really doing."

>"The visual… short-circuits the labyrinth of words. It strikes with an emotional power and immediacy that leaves no gaps for reflection and doubt."

>"Understand: Words put you on the defensive. If you have to explain yourself your power is already in question. The image, on the other hand, imposes itself as a given. It discourages questions, creates forceful associations, resists unintended interpretations, communicates instantly, and forges bonds that transcend social differences. Words stir up arguments and divisions; images bring people together. They are the quintessential instruments of power."

>"The abstract concept - purity, patriotism, courage, love - is full of emotional and powerful associations. The symbol is a shortcut of expression, containing dozens of meaning in one simple phrase or object."

>"The first step in using symbols and images is to understand the primacy of sight among the senses…Never neglect the way you arrange things visually. Factors like color, for example, have enormous symbolic resonance."

>"Most effective of all is a new combination - fusion of images and symbols that have not been seen together before, but that through their association clearly demonstrate your new idea, message, religion. The creation of new images and symbols out of old ones in this way has a poetic effect - viewers associations run rampant, giving them a sense of participation."

>"Always find a symbol to represent your cause - the more emotional associations, the better."

>"People love what is grand, spectacular, and larger than life. Appeal to their emotions and they will flock to your spectacle in hoards. The visual is the easiest route to their hearts."

Powerful leaders and movements frequently use evocative symbols and imagery.

Do not foolishly believe plainness is endearing or that people will be drawn to your logic alone. Instead, give them powerful and distinct images which they can associate with you.

Trump had MAGA hats. What's your signature symbol or look?

<Action steps:

B) Never ignore the visual. The way you present yourself sends an emotion-laden message to those who you meet. The same can be said of inanimate objects. The way a house, store, sales display, or office is arranged will have a huge effect on how we feel about it. Think back to the different cafes you frequent. Depending on how they are arranged, you might prefer different places for working, socializing, or relaxing. Understand that this power is always being exercised. Therefore, arrange your appearance and space in a way to provokes the emotions you desire.


You take the time to both reply and to type out sage…


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You got me! I am secretly pouring over every one of these walls of text and digesting all of the self-help prescriptions contained therein, but I am so embarassed about having my worldview turned on its head by the absolute genius of Robert Green that I just keep calling OP a massive faggot despite the fact that he is kindly gracing us with this divine wisdom that nobody else is reading.


Imagine having so little success in life and political activism but being this arrogant
>I-I'm n-n-not m-m-mad…. S-s-sage


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You tell that ch*d, comrade


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lel, k.



From Robert Greene:

>"Flaunting your pleasure in alien ways of thinking and acting will reveal a different motive - to demonstrate your superiority over your fellows."

>"There is no point in making a display of your dangerous ideas if they only bring you suffering and persecution. Martyrdom serves no purpose - better to live on in an oppressive world, even to thrive in it. Meanwhile, you'll find a way to express your ideas subtly for those who understand you."

>"Wise and clever people learn early on that they can display conventional behavior and mouth conventional ideas without having to believe in them."

>"Make a show of blending in, even going so far as to be the most zealous advocate of the prevailing orthodoxy. If you stick to conventional appearances in public few will believe you think differently in private."

>"When you go out into society, leave behind your own ideas and values, and put on the mask that is most appropriate for the group in which you find yourself… People will swallow the bait because it flatters them to believe that you share their ideas."

When your power and status are equal too or only negligibly greater than others, it is often wise to blend in, to put on a mask and be polite company.

Expressing controversial ideas will only serve to foster disagreement and animosity. Don't think that by simply expressing your truth to any and everyone, people will respect you. Instead, you'll turn yourself into an easy target, especially if your ideas are contrary to those held by group you find yourself in.

It is better to test the waters. Drop clues about your radical beliefs to those you suspect of being sympathetic. Or, better yet, bait them into revealing their thoughts first. Express your own beliefs carefully and in a way that appeals to predominant sentiments.

At times however, it is appropriate to share your radical beliefs - when you are in the company of people who secretly feel similarly, or for whom your ideas might be especially appealing toward.

Otherwise, be weary of the mob. Don't foolishly stir them up simply because you can't keep your thoughts to yourself.

Similarly, don't needless alienate people around you by treating your social media as a private diary.

Be willing to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

<Action steps:

A) Understand that people’s egos react strongly to opinions and tastes which run counter to their own. Rather than interpreting your inclinations as simply different, they are likely to assume your unique preferences imply theirs are of less value. In effect, what is an innocuous escapism or lifestyle crafting on your part will be treated as being subtly antagonistic by others. On the other hand, voicing support for the preferences of others’ will stroke their egos. Thus, they will never question it. Therefore, it is often wise to keep your individual opinions to yourself and go with the flow.

B) If you do want to express yourself bluntly, do so in the right company. Seek out or create your own inner circle or secret society of like minds.



From Robert Greene:

>"You must always stay calm and objective. But if you can make your enemies angry you while staying calm yourself, you gain an advantage."

>"To show your frustration is to show that you have lost your power to shape events; it is the helpless action of the child who resorts to a hysterical fit to get his way."

>"Tantrums neither intimidate nor inspire loyalty. They only create doubts and uneasiness about your power."

>"Angry people usually end up looking ridiculous, for their response seems out of proportion to what occasioned it. They have taken things too seriously, exaggerating the hurt or insult that has been done to them. They are so sensitive to slight that it becomes comical how much they take personally."

">We have to realize that nothing in the social realm, and in the game of power, is personal."

>"If a person explodes with anger at you (and it seems out of proportion to what you did to them), you must remind yourself that is not exclusively directed at you – do not be so vain… Instead of seeing it as a personal grudge, look at the emotional outbursts as a disguised power move, an attempt to control or punish you cloaked in the form of hurt feelings or anger."

>"Anger only cuts off our options, and the powerful cannot thrive without options. Once you train yourself not to take matters personally, and to control your emotional responses, you have placed yourself in a position of tremendous power: Now you can play with the emotional responses of other people."

>"When the waters are still your opponents have time and space to plot actions that they will initiate and control. So stir the waters, forced the fish to the surface, get them to act before they're ready, steal the initiative."

Those who fly off the handle may be feared, but they are never respected. Instead they're often resented.

So much of gaining power relates to staying calm, and making wise decisions instead of acting on emotions or a whim.

Learn to refocus your mind, to view things objectively. Do not be a victim of your own emotions. Train yourself to be aware of your own emotional state; to make your feelings the passenger instead of the driver of the vehicle that is your life.

On occasion, use an angry front strategically. As a ploy and power play. But never act out of anger itself.

On the other hand, if you can get your enemies to respond emotionally, to put them ‘on tilt,’ you will gain a distinct advantage. You will be thinking logically, broadly, and with long-term objectives in mind. They will be thinking in the here-and-now only. They'll be easier to predict, and less likely to respond in a way that favors them in the long run.

Stay calm while putting your rivals over an emotional edge, and you will have power over them.

<Action Steps:

A) Meditate 10 minutes a day to increase mental clarity and emotional awareness



From Robert Greene:

>"What is offered for free or at a bargain rate often comes with a psychological price tag - complicated feelings of obligation, compromises with quality, the insecurity those compromises bring, on and on. The powerful learn early to protect their most valuable resources: independence and room to maneuver."

>"Generosity softens people up - to be deceived. By gaining a reputation for liberality, you win people's admiration while distracting them from your power plays."

>“For everyone able to play with money, thousands more are locked in a self-destructive refusal to use money creatively and strategically. These types represent the opposite pole to the powerful, and you must learn to recognize them - either to avoid there poisonous natures or just turn their inflexibility to your advantage."

>"Powerful people judge everything by what it costs, not just in money but in time, dignity, and peace of mind. And this is exactly what bargain demons cannot do. Wasting valuable time digging for bargains, they worry endlessly about what they could have gotten elsewhere for a little less."

>"Generosity has a definite function in power: it attracts people, softens them up, makes allies out of them. But it has to be used strategically, with a definite end in mind. Indiscriminate givers, on the other hand, are dangerous because they want to be loved and admired by all. And their generosity is so indiscriminate and needy and it may not have the desired effect: If they give to one and all, why should the recipient feel special?"

>"Make power your goal and money will find its way to you."

>"To give a gift is to imply that you and the recipient are equals at the very least, or that you are the recipient's superior. A gift also involves an indebtedness or obligation."

>"Powerful people give freely, buying influence rather than things."

>"That is strategic generosity in a nutshell - the ability to be flexible with your wealth, putting it to work, not to buy objects, but to win people's hearts."

Use money to win people over.

Being cheap implies a lack of status or power. In addition, it's less fun. Be willing to spend on other people. It will make you more attractive and favorable in their eyes while also creating a feeling of indebtedness and obligation.

Do not underestimate the power of money. But see it for what it is: a tool, something to use to leverage your way to greater power and influence.

<Action Steps:

A) Don’t be cheap. Spend money to increase your influence and impact.

B) When it comes to dating, spend money on logistics (a decent place in a good location) and experiences, not fancy dinners or gifts.



From Robert Greene:

>"Power depends on appearing larger than other people, and when you are lost in the shadow of the father, the king, the great predecessor, you cannot possibly project such a presence."

>"Alexander [the Great] knew he had to make himself the very opposite of his domineering father: he would force himself to be bold and reckless, he would control his tongue and be a man of few words, and he would not lose precious time in pursuit of pleasure that brought no glory… But Alexander had the same relationship to his own deeds as he had to his father: his conquest of Persia represented the past, and he was never to rest on past triumphs, or to allow the past to outshine the present."

>"Only the weak rest on their laurels and dote on past triumphs; in the game of power there is never time to rest."

>"The distance you establish from your predecessor often demand some symbolism, a way of advertising itself publicly."

>"Never let yourself be seen as following your predecessor’s path. If you do you will never surpass him. You must physically demonstrate your difference, by establishing a style and symbolism that sets you apart."

>"Most people are afraid to break so boldly with tradition, but they secretly admire those who can break up the old forms and reinvigorate the culture."

>"The superstitious believe that if the person before you succeeded by doing a, b, and c, you can recreate their success by doing the same thing. This cookie-cutter approach will seduce the uncreative, for it is easy, and appeals to their timidity and their laziness."

Imitation is a form of flattery. Thus, when you are merely copying someone else, or just following in their footsteps, your power and grandeur is appears minimal.

It is much better, then, to be original. Insofar as someone has blazed a path before you, you must distinguish yourself at all costs - if you want to appear better than them. Avoid acting like or adopting the mannerism and fashion on those who came directly before you.

Better yet, establish a reputation as an iconoclast. Be the person bold enough to break first with tradition - thus giving others implicit permission to follow in your footsteps.

Likewise, never be content to rest on past accomplishments. Always be creating something new and different. It is the key to capturing the attention and respect of others.

<Action Steps:

A) Avoid succeeding and charismatic and beloved leader. If possible, allow others to suffer the fate of living in someone else’s shadow. If you must take over leadership from a strong individual, decide early on to distinguish yourself. Move in different directions. Have a different style. Champion a new vision.



From Robert Greene:

>"Within any group, trouble can most often be traced to a single source, the unhappy, the chronically dissatisfied one who will always stir up dissension and infect the group with his or her ill ease. Before you know what hit you, that the satisfaction spreads. Act before it becomes impossible to disentangle one strand of misery from another, or to see how the whole thing started. First, recognize troublemakers by their overbearing presence, or by their complaining nature. Once you spot them do not try to reform them or appease them - that will only make things worse. Do not attack them, whether directly or indirectly, for they are poisonous in nature and we'll work underground to destroy you… Banish them before it is too late."

>"Do not waste time lashing out in all directions at what seems to be a many-headed enemy. Find the one head that matters - the person with willpower, or smarts, or, most important of all, charisma. Whatever it costs you, lure this person away, for once he is absent his powers will lose their effect."

>"In every group, power is concentrated in the hands of one or two people, for this is one area in which human nature will never change: people will congregate around a single strong personality and like planets orbiting the Sun."

>"Powerful people never waste time. Outwardly they may play along with the game - pretending that power is shared among many - but inwardly they keep their eyes on the inevitable few in the group who hold the cards."

>"It is often better to isolate your enemies than to destroy them - you seem less brutal. The result, though, is the same, for in the game of power isolation spells death."

Power is everywhere. Even among your detractors and rivals, power exists. Rather than attacking in a blunt fashion, it is often better to surgically strike the source of the problem.

Find out who is at the core of your troubles, and deal with them.

Either remove them from play - banishing them to a location where they can't influence others - or win over their supporters to isolate them. The final option is to co-opt them and turn them into a harmless ally (Law 2), though this might not always be possible.

Do not, however, let their presence fester. Their disdain and poor disposition will infect the group if left untreated.

<Action Steps:

A) When dealing with a conflict or social disruption, look for and isolate the few individual troublemakers who are the root cause.

B) When faced with an outside threat, do not waste time fighting off foot soldiers. Strike to the heart of your enemy by going directly after the leadership.



From Robert Greene:

>"Coercion creates a reaction that will eventually work against you. You must seduce others into wanting to move in your direction."

>"At all times you must attend to those around you, gauging their particular psychology, tailoring your words to what you know it will entice and seduce them. This requires energy and art."

>"In all your encounters, take a step back - take time to calculate and a tune yourself to your targets' emotional makeup and psychological weaknesses. Force will only strengthen their resistance. With most people the heart is the key: they are like children, ruled by their emotions. To soften them up, alternate harshness with mercy."

>"The key to persuasion is softening people up and breaking them down, gently. Seduce them with a two-pronged approach: work on their emotions and play on their intellectual weaknesses. Be alert to both what separates them from everyone else (their individual psychology) and what they share with everyone else (their basic emotional responses). Aim at the primary emotions - love, hate, jealousy. Once you moved their emotions you have reduced their control, making them more vulnerable to persuasion."

>"Play on contrast like this: push people to despair, then give them relief. If they expect pain and you give them pleasure, you win their hearts."

>"To find the key that will motivate them, first get them to open up. The more they talk, the more they reveal about their likes and dislikes - the handles and levers to move them with."

>"The quickest way to secure people's minds is by demonstrating, as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them. Self-interest is the strongest motive of all."

>"The causes that work best use a noble veneer to cover a blatant appeal to self interest; the cause seduces but the self-interest secures the deal."

>"Learn to play the numbers game. The wider your support base the stronger your power… You must constantly win over more allies on all levels - a time will inevitably come when you will need them."

Force rarely works for long periods of time.

While people may initially follow your orders, they'll do so with feelings of resentment. They'll find ways to passively resist, to quietly undermine your plans.

It's much better to bring them to your side, to get them to enthusiastically push forward your goals. You do this by appealing first to their emotions and then to their logic.

In order to do this, you must pay careful attention to those you seek to influence. Tune in to the way they emotionally respond to different actions. Then, you can easily adjust your actions to control them.

The key is to be interested for the sake of understanding, not simply for the sake of seeming like you are interested. Find out what they truly care about, and make yourself an indispensable tool to achieve their desires.

Always appeal to people’s emotions, not merely their logic. Once you have people in an emotional state, they are highly suggestible.

By learning to work the hearts and minds of others, a world of unseen opportunities will spring open to you.

<Action steps:

A) Use emotionally invocation language. Instead of ask boring logical questions, ask questions which force people to respond emotionally. Use empathy to understand how to best motivate the people you deal with on a daily basis. Don’t adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Play to people’s individual psychologies and values.

B) Focus on your actions and the emotional responses you generate in others.



From Robert Green:

>"This is the power of mirroring those around you. First, you give people the feeling that you share their thoughts and goals. Second if they suspect you have ulterior motives, the mirror shields you from them, preventing them from figuring out your strategy. Eventually this will infuriate and unsettle them. By playing the double, you steal their thunder, suck away their initiative, make them feel helpless. You also gain the ability to choose when and how to unsettle them - another avenue to power. The mirror saves you mental energy: simply echoing in the moves of others gives you the space you need to develop a strategy of your own."

>"Everyone is wrapped up in their own narcissistic shell. When you try to impose your own ego on them, a wall goes up, resistance is increased. By mirroring them, however, you seduce them into a kind of narcissistic rapture: they are gazing at a double of their own soul. This double is actually manufactured in its entirety by you. Once you have used the mirror to seduce them, you have great power over them."

>"When you're dealing with the intractable willpower of other people, direct communication often only heightens their resistance… As Christ himself understood, talking in parables is often the best way to teach a lesson, for it allows people to realize the truth on their own."

>"When dealing with people who are lost in the reflections of fantasy worlds never try to push them into reality by shattering their mirrors. Instead enter their world and operate inside of it under their rules, gently guiding them out of the hall of mirrors they have entered."

>"The mirroring of reality offers immense deceptive powers. The right uniform, the right accent, the proper props - the deception cannot be deciphered because it is intermeshed in a simulation of reality."

>"After all, we cannot go around doubting the reality of everything we see - that would be too exhausting. We habitually accept appearances, and this is a credulity you can use."

>"In this particular game it is the first moment that counts the most. If your suckers' suspicions are not raised by their first glance at the mirror's reflection, they will stay suppressed."

>"Remember: study the world’s surfaces and learn to mirror them in your habits, your manner, your clothes. Like a carnivorous plant, to unsuspecting insects you look like all the other plants in the field."

Persuasion and deception are delicate acts. Often, we cannot simply dictate reality (i.e, 'hold frame') because this will run against the ego-invested reality of others. Instead, it is sometimes better to mirror the reality of others in order to entrance them into our own.

The key to mirroring is to create a false reality which others desire to be real. When you offer them this 'reality,' they readily fall for it because they themselves hope to believe.

The more real you seem in accordance to other’s existing beliefs, the more they will trust you and the more power you will have over them.

This is the essence of influencing indirectly. Capture your mark's attention by playing into their own fantasies. Offer them what they want to see. Blinded by the illusion, you can let your true plans unfold under the surface.

<Action Steps:

A) To build rapport, mimic the person you are talking to. Match their posture, energy level, speaking volume and speak, and even breathing rate. Do this subtly, and it will be highly effective in creating a feeling of connection and shared outlook.

B) Don’t needless contradict those you hope to influence, especially in regards to petty issues. You clients favorite sport should be you favorite sport. You should like the things they like, and act they way they act, in order to gain their trust.



From Robert Greene:

>"The man who initiates strong reforms often becomes the scapegoat for any kind of dissatisfaction. And eventually the reaction to his reforms may consume him, for change is upsetting to the human animal, even when it is for the good."

>"Never underestimate the hidden conservatism of those around you. It is powerful and entrenched. Never let the seductive charm of an idea cloud your reason: just as you cannot make people see the world your way, you cannot wrench them into the future with painful changes."

>"The lesson is simple: the past is powerful. What has happened before seems greater; habit and history give any act weight. Use this to your advantage. When you destroy the familiar you create a void or vacuum; people fear the chaos that will flood in to fill it. You must avoid stirring up such fears at all cost. Borrow the weight and legitimacy from the past, however remote, to create a comforting and familiar presence."

>"Understand: the fact that the past is dead and buried gives you the freedom to reinterpret it. To support your cause, tinker with the facts. The past is a text in which you can safely insert your own lines."

>"Another strategy to disguise change is to make a loud and public display of support for the values of the past. Seem to be a zealot for tradition and few will notice how unconventional you really are."

>"Watch the zeitgeist. If you work in a tumultuous time, there is power to be gained by preaching a return to the past, to comfort, tradition, and ritual. During a period of stagnation, on the other hand, play the card of reform and revolution - but beware of what you stir up. Those who finish a revolution are rarely those who start it."

Change represents the unknown, which is feared and thus resisted. While people may be dissatisfied with present conditions, they nonetheless find comfort in them.

Therefore, while it is often useful to preach the need for change and even offer visions of a radically different future, it is best to progress slowly, not causing too much disruption or subsequent backlash.

On the other hand, it is often wise to appeal to past glory, a return to a golden age, and hearken back to ancient wisdom - even when what you're promoting is totally new. People are easily seduced by nostalgia, even of the manufactured variety.

When struggling to impose a different order, wrap it in the familiar or the purer conditions of the past. Be careful though. The present rarely lives up to an idealized past.

<Action Steps:

A) A return to past glory is a seductive narrative than can easily be applied in times of crises or simple malaise. This is especially effective after reforms or changes have caused distress, unrest, or a general breakdown of what used operate smoothly.

B) People love the idea of change, but they often resist the reality of it. Thus, how you establish change is important. Once you establish a relationship based on certain patterns, you can promise to make an effort to change them while maintaining things as usual. This is surprisingly effective for keeping people ‘on for the ride.’

C) On the other hand, be weary of people who promise change but activity work to keep things as they are. They are playing you for a fool. And they will continue to do so for as long as they get away with it.



From Robert Greene:

>"Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and to admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable."

>"Once envy eats away at someone, everything you do only makes it grow, and day-by-day it festers inside him. Eventually he will attack."

>“Only a minority can succeed at the game of life, and that minority inevitably arouses the envy of those around them."

>"Envy is a weed that should not be watered."

>"The insidious envy of the masses can actually be deflected quite easily: appear as one of them in style and values. Make alliances with those below you, and elevate them to positions of power to secure their support in times of need."

>"Never be so foolish as to believe that you are stirring up admiration by flaunting the qualities that raise you above others. In making others aware of their inferior position, you are only stirring up 'unhappy admiration,' or envy which will gnaw away at them until they undermine you in ways you cannot foresee. The fool dares the gods of envy by flaunting his victories."

>"There are several strategies for dealing with the insidious, destructive emotion of envy. First, accept the fact that there will be people who surpass you in some way, and also the fact that you may envy them. Make that feeling a way of pushing yourself to equal or surpass them someday. Let envy turn inward and it poisons the soul; expel it outward and it can move you to greater heights."

>"Expect that when people envy you they will work against you insidiously. They will put obstacles in your path that you will not foresee, or that you cannot trace to their source."

>"Political power of any kind creates envy, and one of the best ways to deflect it before it takes root is to seem unambitious…People do not envy the power that they themselves have given to a person who does not seem to desire it.

>"Beware some of envy's disguises. Excessive praise is almost is a sure sign that the person praising you envies you; they are either setting you up for a fall - it will be impossible for you to live up to their praise - or they are sharpening their blades behind your back."

Few people can accept some else's superiority without making excuses. In truth, however, some people are simply more talented, work harder, or have acted at the right moment.

Do not arouse the ire of the unsuccessful. To avoid envy, appear human and show off innocuous weaknesses on occasion. By doing so, you will appear more relatable. Other's esteem for you will grow.

Appearing human has another positive effect. It creates the impression that others can in fact live up to your standard. Thus, they will work harder to live up to your image out of an affection for you. Do the opposite, appear too perfect, and they may either diminish your accomplishments or worse, attempt to surpass you out of disdain.

Think of Donald Trump. Never in his life, until he ran for president, would he wear a goofy-looking trucker hat. But by doing so, his trademark red MAGA caps became a symbol of his relatability. It was quickly adopted as a symbol by his base of supporters.

<Action Steps:

>A) When questioned, treat privilege and power as if it was a service and burden. You are simply acting for the betterment of others, not to enrich to empower yourself further.

>B) Use any envy inside you as fuel to work harder.



From Robert Greene:

>"When you attain success, step back. Be cautious."

>"When you gain victory, understand the part played by the particular circumstances of a situation, and never simply repeat the same actions again and again. History is littered with the ruins of victorious empires and the corpses of leaders who could not learn to stop and consolidate their gains."

>"….Your moment of triumph is also a moment when you have to rely on cunning and strategy all the more, consolidating your power base, recognizing the role of luck and circumstance in your success, and remaining vigilant against changes in your good fortune."

>"Those who succeed at the game are the ones who control the patterns and vary them at will, keeping people off balance while they set the tempo."

>"The lesson is simple: the powerful vary their rhythms and patterns, change course, adapt to circumstance, and learn to improvise…They steady themselves, give themselves the space to reflect on what has happened, examine the role of circumstance and luck in their success."

>"Luck and circumstance always play a role in power. It is inevitable and actually makes the game more interesting. But despite what you may think, good luck is more dangerous than bad luck. Bad luck teaches valuable lessons about patience, timing, and the need to be prepared for the worst; good luck deludes you into the opposite lesson, making you think your brilliance will carry you through."

>"When you are victorious, then, lie low, and lull the enemy into inaction."

>"The rhythm of power requires an alternation of force and cunning. Too much force creates a counter-reaction; too much cunning, no matter how cunning it is, becomes predictable."

>"People who go past the mark are often motivated by a desire to please a master by proving their dedication. But an excess of effort exposes you to the risk of making the master suspicious of you."

>"When you serve a master, it is often wise to measure your victories carefully, letting him get the glory and never making him uneasy.”

>"Finally, the moment when you stop has great dramatic import. What comes last sticks in the mind as a kind of exclamation point. There is no better time to stop and walk away than after a victory. Keep going and you risk lessening the effect, even ending up in defeat. As lawyers say of cross-examination, 'always stop with a victory.'"

People are often focused on making a good first impression. But one shouldn’t ignore final impressions, which are of equal or greater importance. It is the final moment of an interaction which will stick out in the minds of those you deal with. Learn to end your meetings on a high note, when emotions are in your favor, before boredom or discomfort sets in. Never overstay your welcome.

When taking orders from a master, boss, or superior, do not over-accomplish. Rather than impress, you may come across as threatening, arrogant, overly-confident, or even insubordinate. Instead, follow their instructions or fulfill their objectives; never go beyond them.

Finally, be aware that victories will generate enemies. Thus, after each victory, pause and survey that changed social landscape, identifying any potential problems before they become actual threats. Consolidate your victories for maximum effect before moving onto the next major campaign.

<Action Steps:

>A) The moments after victory carry extreme dangerous. Don’t continue forward or gloat. Instead, carefully survey the changed landscape. What new threats are emerging? Who new opportunities have you created?

>B) Similarly, expect that in victory, your enemies will let their guard down. They’ll be more susceptible to attacks. Their victory will have drawn attention and perhaps created allies who would happily join you in fighting against them. Use this moment, what seems like defeat, to your advantage. If don’t right, your enemies victory will be short-lived.



From Robert Greene:
"People weighed down by a system and inflexible ways of doing things cannot move fast, cannot sense or adapt to change… Learn to move fast and adapt or you will be eaten."

"…Assume formlessness. No predator alive can attack what it cannot see."

"With mobility you can isolate the opponent in small areas and then encircle them."

"Your speed and mobility make it impossible to predict your moves; unable to understand you, your enemy can form no strategy to defeat you. Instead of fixing on particular spots, this indirect form of warfare spreads out, just as you can use the large and disconnected nature of the real world to your advantage. Be like a vapor. Do not give your opponent's anything solid to attack; watch as they exhaust themselves pursuing you, trying to cope with your elusiveness."

"Power can only thrive if it is flexible in its forms. To be formless is not to be amorphous; everything has a form - it is impossible to avoid. The formlessness of power is more like that of water, or mercury, taking the form of whatever is around it. Changing constantly, it is never predictable."

"This is the ultimate form of strategy. The war of engagement has become far too dangerous and costly; indirection and elusiveness yield far better results at a much lower cost. The main cost, in fact, is mental - the thinking it takes to align your forces and scattered patterns, and to undermine the minds and psychology of your opponents. And nothing will infuriate and disorient them more than formlessness. In a world where wars of detachment are the order of the day, formlessness is crucial."

"The first psychological requirement of formlessness is to train yourself to take nothing personally. Never show any defensiveness. When you acted defensive, you show your emotions, revealing a clear form. Your opponents will realize they have hit a nerve, an Achilles' heel. And they will hit it again and again. So train yourself to take nothing personally."

"Rigid rulers may seem strong, but with time their inflexibility wears on the nerves, and their subjects find ways to push them from the stage. Flexible, formless rulers will be much criticized, but they will endure,…"

"Despite upsets and delays, the permeable style of power generally triumphs in the end, just as Athens eventually won victory over Sparta through its money and its culture. When you find yourself in conflict with someone stronger and more rigid, allow them a momentary victory. Seem to bow to their superiority. Then, by being formless and adaptable, slowly insinuate yourself into their soul. This way you will catch them off guard, for rigid people are always ready to ward off direct blows but are helpless against the subtle and insinuating."

"That is the power of formlessness - it gives the aggressor nothing to react against, nothing to hit."

“The flexible and fleet of foot will almost always win, for they have more strategic options. The more gigantic the enemy, the easier it is to induce collapse."

“Never forget, though, that formlessness is a strategic pose. It gives you room to create tactical surprises; as your enemies struggle to guess your next move, they reveal their own strategy, putting them at a decided disadvantage… Formlessness is a tool. Never confuse it with a go-with-the-flow style, or with a religious resignation to the twists of fortune. You use formlessness, not because it creates inner harmony and peace, but because it will increase your power."

Rarely does it pay to maintain a fixed position. Doing so exposing your weaknesses and leaves you open to attacks. Instead, remain formless and elusive. Adapt.

The Laws of Power, for example, sometimes contradict one another or have reversals. The struggle of power requires such agility.

In a game of chess, the pieces with the widest range of movement are the most powerful. They move around the board with the greatest ease. Similarly, in games such as basketball or soccer, players don’t simply run forward with the ball. Instead, they utilize various feigns, lateral motions, and techniques to outplay an opposing team. The game of power is much the same. It requires the ability to act fluidly.

The world is probabilistic. Given particular circumstances, an action on your part has a range of likely outcomes. Learn to mentally run through the different plays you can make, choosing the on you believe will be best suited to the situation. Don’t adopt a simple, one-size-fits-all approach to operating in the world of power.

>Action Steps:

A) Pride yourself on flexibility and a willingness to adapt. Others may scoff at your supposed lack of fortitude. However, the rigidly of such critics will eventually sweep such critics toward irrelevancy. Over the long-term, those who bend to changing circumstances survive.

B) Learn to switch styles and avoid predictability. This is often the key to victory in competitive sports, whether it be chess, football, or boxing. In conflict, it is advantageous to allow you opponent to believe they can predict your next move, yet upsetting their assumption with surprise attacks and defensive preparations.

C) To undermine a master, encourage them to pursue a safe, yet predictable style of rule which they’ve grown accustomed to. Their power will slowly erode, and you’re be able to predict their next move – the one you’ve encouraged. You’ve simply been praising their past achievements and encouraging them to stay on track. They won’t suspect you are secretly working against them.


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I'm reading 'Laws of Human Nature' now.

It's pretty good, but he's not very hot on totalizing political philosophies or grand causes. I'm half way through, but I may post more excerpts itt later


at first I thought you were trolling, but you actually read this garbage. lmao


>Be leftychan faggot
>Dirty, bad hygiene
>Populate a dead board
>Have a outlook so divorced from reality that maintaining an online space where you're not ruthlessly mocked requires heavy censorship
>Get sick of censorship because, muh 'they censor too much'
>Create a new board
>[Oh shit. I don't actually have anything original to say. I know, I'll talk about anime] (totally and 100% a fully developed adult btw)
>Thankfully someone posts something outside of the braindead leftist parameters
>Continue to be dirty
>Continue life of faggotry



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