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>All emotions come from within.

You can't always control the external words, but you can control your emotional response to it. Focus on what you can control - namely, yourself. Conversely, if you can control someone else's emotions, you control them. Maintain emotional independence at all costs.

>Bravery and courage are the most important virtues.

Courage isn't absence of fear. Rather, it is action in the face of fear. Most of your problems would be solved if you'd be less of a pussy.

>Develop a bias toward action.

With limited exception, passivity will get you nowhere. Action and movement, on the other hand, will grant you the ability to overcome obstacles. You are not your feelings. You are no your thoughts. You are what you do. Pour energy into taking action on the things you can control. Stop talking or caring so much about things outside your control. The former makes you stronger and more capable. The latter makes you weak and a victim.

>The end or goal doesn't matter as much as practice.

A person who strongly desires to be fit but never exercises won't get fit. Conversely, a person with no particular goal yet who nonetheless exercises daily will reap the reward of fitness.

>Comfort is the enemy.

Comfort breeds weakeness. Contentment breeds decay. Look at obstacles as a means toward growth, and embrace discomfort. It is only through being challenged and facing difficulty that one is able to develop in a positive way.

>Recommended readings:

On the Shortness of Life by Seneca
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl


Some miserable, depressed faggot says 'thats all wrong' and claims everyone should be depressed and miserable like them


Way ahead of you OP. Been reading a bunch of Stoic shit for the last few months. I didn't realize it was so based and it;s very helpful for every day living, though, I disagree with some of it.



Ya, I wouldn't recommend it as a totalizing philosophy. Personally, I blend it with absurdism, Nietzschean vitalism, and practical wisdom.


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I blend stoicism with egoism. It's fucking awesome.


This is the only way to do anything in modern philosphy. Being dogmatic only holds you back.


BAPist Leninist here. Based insight


Contemporary stoicism is a liberal cope
Epicurean chads rise up


Aren't we just all coping through capitalism?


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You're right anon, and communism is the ultimate cope


'nations are born stoic and die epicurean'

- Comrade Will Durant

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