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Any readings on what characterises a socialist state. I know dictatorship of proletariat but how do we know if there is actually a dictatorship of proles or not. I consider Maoist china to be the most clear cut example of a socialist state right now.


I asked characters of a socialist state not a revisionist one.


'Critique of the Gotha Programme' by Marx and 'State and Revolution' by Lenin discuss similar topics. In Gotha there is the discussion regarding the actual functioning of a lower-stage communist mode of production. State and Revolution discusses the nature of the State after the revolution and rise to power of the proletariat. The simple answer would be: if the interests of the revolutionary proletariat are being upheld and the state is withering away, then you're in the right path. Your example of China had instances of that for sure, as did the USSR in its early days. A proper critique and understanding of these has to go beyond simple 'definitions' of a 'socialist state'.


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