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What is your favorite book?

What book influenced you the most?

What do you like about books?

what are you planning to read?

What are you reading now?

Saw this in /hobby/ but thought it fit more here


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>What is your favorite book?
1984 was pretty enjoyable, same with the Communist Manifesto. I might say the Principles of Communism for a theory text and 1984 for fiction.
>What book influenced you the most?
The Communist Manifesto.
>What do you like about books?
The learning and the smell !
>what are you planning to read?
Planning on re-reading Gotha Program
>What are you reading now?
Burkina Faso: Unsteady Statehood in West Africa


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ohhh cool ty


Really hope there’s a futa cock beneath that book.
Anyways I don’t really like reading that much, Flowers for Algernon is one of the few books I’ve read and I liked it a lot


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I forgot about Flowers for Algernon! I have read it three times I think and it might actually be my favorite book. I do like reading and I do it every day, but I'd say you have good taste in literature even if you don't like to read!

This same thread was put up in hobby. I will copy and paste my response from there.

>What is your favorite book?
Hmmm hard to say but my favorite one I read in 2019 was Moby Dick. The His Dark Materials series was probably my favorite as a kid.

>What book influenced you the most?

In terms of my actual life? Maybe the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver or Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. In terms of how I write? The books that made the biggest impression on me stylistically where War and Peace by Tolstoy, Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami, and basically everything that Kafka wrote.

>what are you planning to read?

I guess I will finish capital some day. The Grunderise or however you spell it might be another priority.

>What are you reading now?

Yesterday I read anti-duhring. I might read it again today. I will finish the german ideology soon. I've been slowly working through leviathan by hobbes but it is a bit of a slog.


>What is your favorite book?
Poor folk by dosto atm.
> What book influenced you the most?
18th Brumaire
> What do you like about books?
I like to read cause it allows me to learn new things, and explore human psyche as well.
> what are you planning to read?
The Greeks as I’d like to get into philosophy more.
> What are you reading now?
The Republic.


>What is your favorite book?
That's really hard to say. The Brothers Karamazov, Point-Counterpoint, or Ulysses. Honorable mention to The Journey to the East and The Glass Bead Game.
>What book influenced you the most?
Probably Point-Counterpoint or The Bible
>What do you like about books?
The texture of the pages, the feel and sound of shuffling paper, but most of all the fact that I can connect with people from hundreds or thousands of years ago.
>What are you reading now?
The Trial

No surprise to find Kafka fans here. War and Peace was the last big novel I've read and it was amazing. Good on you for all the Marx, Grundrisse is really important and can illuminate the argumentation provided in Capital. However it's very long and you can probably skip some of the polemical parts if you only want to use it to help with Capital. Also, Leviathan represents Hobbes' mature views, you can find similar more simply put ones in his "De Cive"/The Citizen.
Good for you for getting into The Republic. Probably not enough of us have this foundation.


>What is your favorite book?
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
>What book influenced you the most?
hard to say, every book influenced me in some way. Of the recent ones it´s Anarchism by Emma Goldman and Anhilation by Jeff Vandermeer
>What do you like about books?
Reading is like getting a break from this world and at the same time learning something about it, and this is to me one of the best things ever.
>what are you planning to read?
Some works by Tarrance McKenna and Herbert Marcuse and probably an other Patrick Moridano novel
>What are you reading now?
The other side by Alfred Kubin and some HP Lovecraft short stories.


Weird one but it’s the Iron Heel. Even though it’s one of London’s less known, mediocre works, but I still hold it dearly.
Reading that and some of his views later in life showed a level of desperation and hopelessness at the failure of US socialist movements but with a tiny light of hope of a socialist future really stuck with me. Not to mention his description of the Iron Heel and how it accurately foresaw what happened to the socialist movement of the 20th century just both enlightening and depressing. The way the oligarchy crushed mankind being straight up what happened to Chile as well.
>What are you reading now?
The road to Phnom Penh - a memoir of a general in the war against the Khmer Rouge.
>what are you planning to read?
Other Songs an alternate history book about our world but instead of Einsteinian physics it follows Aristotle’s metaphysics (I.e. Earth being the center of the solar system,…). Even though the author is Polish lib, his writing resembles Stanislaw Len a lot and the premise seems interesting.


>What is your favorite book?
one hundred years of solitude for literature, and for theory the 18th brumaire
>What book influenced you the most?
18th brumaire and the german ideology
>What do you like about books?
the sense of clarity you get from theory. After the first readings of marx i used to get this sensation of sudden realization, like i was blind my whole life, and now i really see how things really are
>what are you planning to read?
the phenomenology of spirit, some day
>What are you reading now?
capital vol 1, i'm in the middle of it


>What is your favorite book?
Probably I'd say Mutual aid, pretty relaxing and interesting analysis on human nature
>What book influenced you the most?
Industrial society and its future
>What do you like about books?
The texture and the smell
>What are you planning to read?
Planning to read more of Bakunin and Emma Goldman
>What are you reading now?
Technological slavery


Goldman is an excellent writer. Her essays are simple yet inspirational. Her critique of 19th century American feminism is also great. Bakunin is also great yet for my taste he is a little too optimistic and somehow a child of the enlightenment.


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>What is your favorite book?
Madame Bovary by Flaubert, and The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury for sf specific. I know Flaubert is utterly bourgeois and a big pos but I love his sarcasm.
>What book influenced you the most?
Brave New World. Houellebecq heavily influenced how I write.
>What do you like about books?
Learning, feeling a connection with the author. Being disconnected from time.
>What are you planning to read?
For next week, Virginie Despentes for fiction and Jodi Dean for theory. I want to read so much but I lose focus fast
>What are you reading now?
La Horde du Contrevient by Alain Damasio (big new sci-fi french leftist author) and How the world works by Dickblast.


>What is your favorite book?
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick
Lolita - Nabokov

>What book influenced you the most?

La región más transparente (Where the Air Is Clear) - Carlos Fuentes and Noticias del Imperio (News From the Empire) - Fernando del Paso

>What do you like about books?

The designs on the covers and how they smell. They can also make you look interesting, ngl

>what are you planning to read?

The U.S.A. Trilogy from Dos Pasos, some Magic Realism from Latin America and also any book on Alienation

>What are you reading now?

Revolutionaries for the Right, by Kyle Burke, it's about the internationalism from the Right that emerged in order the combat the "Communist Menace", it connects some dots and offers insight on how local conflicts and agendas ended up transforming the Cold War


>What is your favorite book?
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix

>What book influenced you the most?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

>What do you like about books?

They're great to be seen with in public.

>what are you planning to read?

The Fault in Our Stars

>What are you reading now?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, for like the fifth time!!


What are the classics in magic realism? I remember having a conversation with a Chilean about South American literature and how there was none before the 80s or something, it must be interesting to read.




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The Reign From This World - Alejo Carpentier
One Hundred Years of Solitude - García Márquez
Pedro Páramo - Juan Rulfo

The term is somewhat old, check the article if you're interested in its history


>What is your favorite book?
currently reading coin locker babies and I'm loving it so far. So probably that
>What book influenced you the most?
capitalist realism
>What do you like about books?
the fact that I don't feel miserable as opposed to watching anime and playing vidya
>what are you planning to read?
lots of books, too many to count. But I'm having my eye on the ecstasy of communication
>What are you reading now?
coin locker babies


>Lolita - Nabokov


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Does anyone know of any good latin american fiction?


>What's your favourite book?
I'd probably say the White Steam Ship by Chinghiz Aitmatov. But there are many contestants to this.

>What book influenced you the most?

Reflections on Violence by Georges Sorel, 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon and the German Ideology by Marx and Engels
>What are you planning to read?
Ego and Its Own ,again, because the first time that I've read it I was an edgy 16 year old.

>What are you reading now?

An Introduction to Reading of Hegel by Alexandre Kojeve


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I loved The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector. It's about a girl living in poverty in Rio de Janeiro.


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Rayuela by Cortázar
Los detectives salvajes by Bolaño
2666 by Bolaño
Cien años de soledad by García Márquez
Ficciones by Borges

My favorite writer ever is Bolaño and my favorite novel ever is 2666.


El Llano en Llamas by Juan Rulfo
Batallas en el Desierto by José Emilio Pacheco
Both are pretty good and leftist pilled. The later is pretty short and simple so it could help you a lot if you're learning spanish


La palabra del mudo of Julio Ramon Ribeyro, a good storyteller (idk how to say cuentista).
Some books of early Vargas Llosa, like Conversacion en La Catedral.
Borges is great, you should check it.
Idk what book of Arguedas to sugest, Rios profundos is about his childhood in a intern in the peruvian highlands. His cuentos/stories are about the indigenous people. Or El Sexto, about life in jail as a political prisioner.
Cesar Vallejo, the poet wrote some cuentos too. Paco Yunque, or El Tungsteno (a little novel about intrigues in a mine camp.


Cronica de una muerte anunciada de Gabriel García Márquez


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Thank you all for your recommendations


Opinios in Svetlana Alexirvich? Is she a liberal? Her books are good? I recently read "the boys of zinc" and pretty much confirmed me that being a grunt in the front is always hard-to say it mildly- even when you are fighting for the upheld of socialism.


can u post more of her feet


>What is your favorite book?
Fatal Strategies by Baudrillard, or almost anything else by Baudrillard, because he starts from the premise that everything is utterly fucked yet also finds ironic reversals in that. Doomers would be cured if they just read some Baudrillard (avoid Simulacra and Simulation though, that one is very mediocre compared to the rest).

>What book influenced you the most?

Hard to single out one book, but starting to read philosophy and sociology in particular was the biggest shift in not only thinking but just in the general attitude to everything.

>What do you like about books?

- reading is slow, long, painful, and submissive. Exactly what we need in the age of hyperactive and narcissistic hedonism.
- you get way more out of it compared to other forms, at least when it comes to theory books. Theory can't be done in any other way than in language, any other form is at best a showcase of theory, not theory itself.
- language is inherently poetic and seductive because it plays with both the writer and the reader, it's simply evil

>what are you planning to read?

Mary Douglas - Purity and Danger. I don't expect much from it, it's just because of the book I'm reading currently. Then I plan on (re)reading some anthropology classics like Malinowski, Mauss, Bataille, Lévi-Strauss.

>What are you reading now?

Jean Cezaneuve - "Sociology of rituals: taboo, magic, holy". Kinda dry and repeats itself too much, but it tries to rationally explain something deemed irrational. It's similar to Freud in this sense, only applied to social relations instead of an individual's psyche. And like Freud sometimes it reduces its object to banality, at other times it elevates the theory to the strangeness of its object (like "death drive" in Freud).

&ltWhat is the last books you read?
An amazing book by Robert Pfaller that attacks postmodernity, political correctness, idpol, libtardation, puritanism, narcissism, etc. It's an apologia of everything deemed by the current system as evil, inauthentic, irrational, extreme, superficial, etc. Pfaller is influenced by Zizek but radicalizes Zizek's theory way further, IMO. At times neuters himself by relying too much on psychoanalytic tropes though.
The book I've read is not translated into English, but the existing English translations are really worth checking out because he repeats himself a lot across his books.


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Does anyone have pdfs of the The Lord Of The Rings trilogy?
As an offering I provide The Hobbit


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Here's a little effort post someone made on /leftytrash/ a while ago about the character Holden from Catcher in the Rye


Oh you like reading, eh? Name every book.


>What is your favorite book?
Dandelion wine by ray bradbury
>What book influenced you the most?
State and revolution by Vladimir Lenin
>What do you like about books?
There’s more room for interpretation than other forms of media
>what are you planning to read?
Haven’t read for whom the bell tolls yet, I was thinking of reading that
>what are you reading now?
Fall of the ottomans by Eugene Rogan




This led me nowhere


>What is your favorite book?
The Non-Existent Knight by Italo Calvino because its genuinely funny and I like what it says about how we define our identities.
>What book influenced you the most?
Manufacturing Consent because it really opened my eyes to how different the world from how it was being presented to me. Maybe some poems in there as well about community but that's harder to pin point.
>What do you like about books?
Being able to talk to people about them and see how they relate to other things in culture
>what are you planning to read?
I want to find something about Weimar Berlin because I feel like that's relevant rn
>What are you reading now?
Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. I wanted to read something steampunk because that's where my mind was aesthetically when I started but it seems to be more about zombies than a cool Victorian alternative universe.


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>What is your favorite book?
Gotta be between:
Caliban and the Witch - it's a Marxist feminist analysis of the witch trials throughout history and the subjugation of women
Towards a New Socialism - Do I have to explain myself on this one? Everyone here talks about it

>What book influenced you the most?

Hard to say, I feel like I always seek out books that fit my general internal development and they just act as a catalyst. Books that I've connected with the most when I've read them would be:
Conquest of Bread
The New Revolution
Towards a New Socialism
One Straw Revolution

>What do you like about books?

I learn stuff I guess, feels like I'm doing something important, idk

>what are you planning to read?

Not sure atm, chugging through a couple atm and I have a big reading list to choose from. Probably against the grain.

>What are you reading now?

How the World Works by Cockshott
How to make a food forest
The Unique and Its Property - the new translation, much better read than the original


It was Chomsky's Profits Before People in High school, when I was about 16 or 17. The path to Marx and Lenin was very quick after that


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The Symposium, I think it's quite beautiful.


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Does anyone have a pdf of qualityland? I can’t seem to find a full one anywhere


I'd say my favorite book was the original Thrawn novel, from the Star Wars universe. In terms of actual political literature, though, I thoroughly enjoyed TANS by Dickblast. Said book has been my biggest influence to date.

I don't actually like books very much, and prefer PDFs. I plan on reading more of Cockshott's books, a few of which I've already covered. I'm normally too busy with trade school to read much, but it's still going bit by bit. That said, I'm not currently reading anything.


>What is your favorite book?
Zaregoto: The Kubishime Romanticist, love it for how it flips the idea of the protagonist on it's head, and the mystery is less the murder in the novel, and more the ideology that leads him down the path he walks.

>What book influenced you the most?

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, I read it as a kid, and some of the ideas of fair play that I missed out on in terms of writing lessons were something that, conceptually, I internalized after reading it.

>What do you like about books?

As a means of ideal communication it's n embodiment of easy to learn, hard to master. It's a craft that attracted me as a child, and never lost it's luster, same as other crafts which have attracted me.

>what are you planning to read?

Everything I'm currently reading. More political theory as well.

>What are you reading now?

Infinite Jest, Boogiepop, House of Leaves, Nekomonogatari Shiro, etc.


>What is your favorite book?
El reino de este mundo by Alejo Carpentier, its beautifully written. Don Quijote is a great novel too.
>What book influenced you the most?
Capital. It was incredibly clarifying.
>What do you like about books?
Books can be an escape, I started out reading fantasy, "graduated" to science-fiction, and came back to fantasy with LOTR and ASOIAF. Books can educate you, they can help you become a master of any field. Books can make you think in new ways, exploring reality in ways you could have never imagined. Books are the congealed form of human imagination and experience.
>What are you planning to read?
The Visible and the Invisible by Maurice Merleau-Ponty
>What are you reading now?
In Defense of Lost Causes by Zizek. I'm in part 2 and despite its deficiency of organization I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.



>What is your favorite book?

An Alchemy Of The Mind by Dianne Ackerman

>What book influenced you the most?

Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs. It's a conspiracy theory book that I picked up in middle school.
It kind of wasted my time and mental energy, because I was constantly looking for confirmations and contradictions to what he said everywhere, but it turns out that that's kind of a never-ending pursuit, and it's unfruitful, and there probably aren't aliens using humans to fight proxy wars or whatever the fuck that book was trying to get me to believe.
It was an influential book because it ruined my intellect and wasted my time and ruined my life, drugs are probably safer.

>What do you like about books?

They change your mental state and are rewarding to read. I can go back to sleep if I drank too much the night before, or I can let the sunrise of being entranced yet awake dissipate the mental fog obstructing my perception of my imagination.
And if they're paperbacks, they're soft. unf

>what are you planning to read?

The Body In The Mind by Mark Johnson

>What are you reading now?

The New Left Revisited

> Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Holy shit this was my favorite book when I was in like 3rd or 4th grade


>What is your favorite book?
Don't really have one so much, although Brothers Karazamov, Death of Ivan Ilyich, Checkov's short stories, Pessoa and Saramago I enjoyed it a lot.
>What book influenced you the most?
I'm poortuguese, so "Levantado do Chão" (roughly translates to "Risen from the ground") by José Saramago. Unironically was a novel that turned me into a convicted socialist and later Marxist and believing in a revolutionary methodology.
>What do you like about books?
It's a very uniquely useful way for an autist like me to understand other humans if it's fiction. They have a lot of information to help me understand things in non-fiction.
>what are you planning to read?
Currently reading Capital and other Marxist. Will continue to do that as well as some philosophy and psychoanalysis, and more canon Portuguese language authors like Eça de Qeuirós atm.
>what are you planning to read?
Other than what I've already said above, Cidade e as Serras, by Eça de Queirós.


*>>what are you reading now?
Other than what I've already said above, Cidade e as Serras, by Eça de Queirós, Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, and Casa-Grande & Senzala by Gilberto Freyre.


>What is your favorite book?
Not sure, maybe Dune for fiction, Blackshirts & Reds for nonfiction. Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom is quite good as well.
>What book influenced you the most?
Communist Manifesto most likely.
>What do you like about books?
Learning, and feels better than watching YouTube or TV.
>What are you planning to read.
Finishing up the Dune series, and taking up Capital.
>What are you reading now?
God Emperor of Dune and Capital Volume 1.

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