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File: 1627166319017.png ( 836.32 KB , 1095x1095 , ee62c9901d22c6b3651a751f2b….png )


A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa


File: 1639859502931.png ( 88.43 KB , 1212x1016 , army-of-the-unemployed-vs-….png )



Where's the source for this?


File: 1639863660669.jpeg ( 242.29 KB , 2949x749 , proletariat.jpeg )

Either leftypol or an academic ebook or something because before I uploaded it I tried Tineye and even G**gle Image Search and it didn't yield any results which surprised me. It's the best diagram on this that I've seen online on the other hand, and checks out with what I've read from Marx and Engels.


My only issue is it doesn't appear to include actual proletariat into the diagram itself. Maybe I am just retarded.


It isn't supposed to include the proletariat. Look at the labels
>Relative Surplus Population


I really like the picture in OP. More like it plz.

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