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File: 1626503930324.jpeg ( 91.28 KB , 393x500 , a_aaaamoDeleuze.jpeg )


Give me the TL;DR on him.
I've skimmed through some introductory materials of his writings and they catch my curiosity yet I am too brainlet to actually read them. What exactly is schizoanalysis and how does capitalism relate to schizophrenia?


There really is no easy TL;DR, he wrote about a lot of very different things. You could start with the SEP article, especially the part about his collaboration with Guattari.

>I am too brainlet to actually read them

Just do it, anon. Deleuze himself said that you should jump right into Anti-Oedipus even if you have no background in philosophy.

>The history of philosophy has always been the agent of power in philosophy, and even in thought. It has played the repressors role: how can you think without having read Plato, Descartes, Kant and Heidegger, and so-and-so’s book about them? A formidable school of intimidation which manufactures specialists in thought – but which also makes those who stay outside conform all the more to this specialism which they despise. An image of thought called philosophy has been formed historically and it effectively stops people from thinking.


> Deleuze himself said that you should jump right into Anti-Oedipus even if you have no background in philosophy.

How can one man be so based? Truly the nu-Marx who wanted to arm the common man with reason against capitalist production. I need to finish AO after Vol 3.


Read Jon Roffe's The Works of Gilles Deleuze I: 1953-1969. v02 is set to come out whenever. Avoid Brian Massumi and any secondary lit derived from him as much as you can.




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Schizos are outside rationality and therefore are the site of revolution against the logic of capital.

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