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File: 1625546776686-0.mp4 ( 56.05 MB , 908x512 , 1-Preface.mp4 )

File: 1625546776686-2.pdf ( 77.75 KB , 232x300 , Glossary of Hegelian Terms.pdf )


Hegel’s ​Phenomenology of Spirit
Presented by Todd McGowan

What follows are some very accessible lectures that will walk you through The Phenomenology. It's a great place to start, not only with Hegel, but even philosophy generally. Don't be scared off if you're a layman. Included along with the lectures are a handy glossary of terms and McGowan's own summary. Everything you need to climb the mountain to Absolute Knowing.

Sorry if the recordings are wonky and i had to cut some of these in half due to file limits


epub and pdf of the actual phenomenology
this is the preferred translation


File: 1625547355750.mp4 ( 64.59 MB , 908x512 , 3a-Master&Servant.mp4 )

looks like I can't upload more than one clip at a time


File: 1625547427577.mp4 ( 38.31 MB , 908x512 , 3b-Stoicism&Skepticism.mp4 )



File: 1625547486083-0.mp4 ( 67.84 MB , 908x512 , 4a-Observing Reason.mp4 )

File: 1625547486083-1.pdf ( 123.08 KB , 232x300 , Secondary Sources on Hegel.pdf )

here's also a list of secondary sources on hegel


File: 1625547538471.mp4 ( 45.94 MB , 908x512 , 4b-Actualizing Reason.mp4 )



File: 1625547566205.mp4 ( 61.46 MB , 908x512 , 5a-Spirit.mp4 )



File: 1625547579770.mp4 ( 65.69 MB , 908x512 , 5b-Faith.mp4 )



File: 1625547606154.mp4 ( 63.37 MB , 910x512 , 6a-Art Religon.mp4 )



File: 1625547622739.mp4 ( 45.84 MB , 910x512 , 6b-Revealed Religon.mp4 )



File: 1625547647338.mp4 ( 48.87 MB , 910x512 , 7a-Substance is Subject.mp4 )

Almost there


File: 1625547775244.mp4 ( 54.22 MB , 910x512 , 7b-Absolute Knowing.mp4 )

The End.

Wonder if anyone will actually make it all the way through.


Very useful PDFs, thanks.

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