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File: 1608527998293.png ( 824.95 KB , 729x695 , SocialistOttomanRepublics.png )


International Islamic Terrorism and it's effects in the WANA region. Tell me about it. What are some good books on them and their ideology.

The rivalry between pro-MB Qatar, Turkey and the Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and UAE. How long has this rivalry been brewing. Now days Qatar is presented as a terror financing bogeyman in Pro-Saudi media. They blame it for financing almost every terrorist group from Al-Qaeda to ISIS to Hezbollah. And even blame it for funding local opposition in the states that boycotted it: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain. Explain this rivalry to me. And how is it affecting the region. And what truth does the boycott allegations have?
Reasons of the boycott by AlArabiya: https://youtu.be/8Nj4TgxoBto
UAE-funded news on Qatar and the MB: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/editorial/the-west-must-wake-up-to-the-muslim-brotherhood-s-malevolence-1.977207

Also refute this: https://youtu.be/lxp-HDSARXs

pic unrelated


Why would those borders exist without the ottoman collapse


Geopolitics have changed and I haven't been able to really understand the question presented here. Anyhow that pic is a meme probably by a lib thinking those borders which were imposed by the british and french imperialists had any value.

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