Haven't read him myself, but Jose Carlos Mariategui is seemingly a corner-stone figure for South-American Communism and the had the first influential His-Mat. analysis of the Incan empire, his main work being this one:
https://www.marxists.org/archive/mariateg/works/7-interpretive-essays/index.htmThe works of Abdimael Guzman (Chairman Gonzallo) also speak on this but not as substantially (or so i've heard).
His work can be found here:
https://bannedthought.net/Peru/index.htmhttps://the-red-flag.org/?s=GonzaloAs for what I know, Incan political economy was feudal in it's societal relations (culturally, hierarchically and land-ownership) but communal in it's relations of production.
Don't take my word for it though, that's just what i've heard.