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/edu/ - Education

Learn, learn, and learn!
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Hello all.

I want to create a sync channel for educational purpose with different playlist rotations so we can have people getting educated on leftist thought.

This thread I want to construct the best videos on educating people into the basics of socialism. So the basics of the means of production, the basics of property, and etc. I want it simple, easy to understand and yet thorough enough to explain to someone brand new to socialist thought where if they watch this playlist of videos. They can get a handle of what are the core principles of socialism. I also want to make sure these videos are strictly socialist. No social democratic bullshit please.

Please post your suggestions in the thread and I'll check the videos and we work on getting a nice clean playlist of videos. We can discuss videos if I feel it doesn't quite fit what we should build for this thread.

Please don't bring up communism, anarchism, and etc. This is all about the basics of socialism and getting people beyond social democrat thought.

Reason why I want to do this:

People aren't reading theory and books nowadays. It's a harsh reality and it's hard to make people pick up a book and read it. We leftists need to have a fucking reality check on this. We always want to force people to read theory so much and yet when we watch our opponents in other ideology. They are able to explain their theories and bullshit within a few videos and they get their followers locked in. We need to stop making excuses, gatekeeping and general bullshitting. We can do this. I also understand that we are also under attack via social media companies. There is a way to upload video files and such into playlists on cytube. I just haven't done it in a while but I'll be looking into that as well so we can make our own content without being tied to hosting on youtube and etc.

My first suggestion is this video. I like how it focuses on the main points of what socialism is. It touches briefly on the other flavors of socialist but doesn't go too fair into them but the best part is I like how it makes the statement at the end of the video that calling a political system socialism is just inaccurate because socialism is used to define an economic system.

Let me know if you like this idea and this video, and please contribute.


Video is by far the worst way to learn. You are wasting your time.


I don't give a fuck. Wasting time on this is perfectly fine. If you don't wish to participate? Then don't.

Tell me why it is bad as something to give a light intro into socialism. Please note this playlist is going to be at LEAST 10-15 videos minimum before creating the channel.


Thank you anon. These are great. I will add these into their own playlists onto the channel. Since these are actual economic courses

I will say though the Shaikh lectures are really really long. That doesn't seem beginner friendly for getting people into socialism. However, I'll figure out a way to integrate that playlist into something.people can watch on weeks we don't want to some heavy lecture watching. 90 minute average per video is a lot. Literally 2 days straight of content non stop. Could be more since I just ball parked the numbers. Let me know if you have sources on other platforms and such. I am willing to rip source videos and stuff from places as well.

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