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I'm looking for editions of this journal (current, past). I've checked libgen, sci-hub, MAM, and IRC to no avail. I'm looking for the current edition in particular (https://www.scienceandsociety.com/current.pdf) but anything helps, really.


Is this an academic journal?


>Is this an academic journal?
as opposed to…?

>Appearing quarterly since 1936, Science & Society is the longest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship, in any language, in the world.

>Science & Society is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Marxist scholarship. It publishes original studies in political economy and the economic analysis of contemporary societies; social and political theory; philosophy and methodology of the natural and social sciences; history, labor, ethnic and women's studies; aesthetics, literature and the arts. We especially welcome theoretical and applied research that both breaks new ground in a specific discipline, and is intelligible and useful to non-specialists.

>Science & Society does not adhere to any particular school of contemporary Marxist discussion, and does not attempt to define precise boundaries for Marxism. It does encourage respectful attention to the entire Marxist tradition, as well as to cutting-edge tools and concepts from the present-day social science literatures.


What is with zoomers today who can't even click on a link or do a web search? Does literally everything have to be spoon-fed to you in the form of a 2 minute youtube video?


They followed me back on twitter which is surprising.


bump, because I want it too.

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