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So, what I hear from from liberals, reactonaries but also some communists, is that a lot of Marx's concepts and categories are not empirically proven and just based on prior assumptions Marx makes(ie Dialectics) or based on his own morality. One of these categories disputed by liberal "intellectuals" is surplus value or profit in their view. They argue, that it only exists as an entity if you accept Marx's epistemology. Is it true?
This shouldn't be only about surplus value but about whatever seems to fullfill the premise of being an unsupported claim in Marx's works. Communists like Althusser insist that there are remnants of Hegelian Idealism in Marx that make some of his claims unscientific. Is there truth to that too?
>posting in /edu/ since I hope to get some good answers in this thread


How is surplus value a Marxian category? It’s a name Marx made for something that is part of liberal categories. Marx only looked to understand the relation in those categories.


I said that a lot is based on prior assumptions. See:
>and categories are not empirically proven and just based on prior assumptions Marx makes(ie Dialectics)
This includes the political economy of Smith and Ricardo too. Now that bourgeois economics has moved away from the classicals, the question arises by liberals, if Marx's work can only work nowadays if you accept the categories of classical political economy. We can see that it is not true for the ltv since people like cockshott proved it empirically. Surplus value though…seems not to have been proven


This is true for every theory. Atom is just a theory backed by copious data and evidence. You’re free to come up with an alternative hypothesis.
Just know that Neoclassical economics doesn’t have any more predictive power and the Post Keynesian prove this


Surplus is given value only by competition but surplus in general just means above what is necessary to maintain a group. If 5 people produce every day enough to produce all 5 of them every single day then they do not produce surplus. Now if 5 people produce double what they produced before then now they are producing a surplus. This would double what they needed to subsist. That's all surplus is. Surplus value is a category denoting s phenomena in modern political economy. The surplus value is only given value in comparison to other values in exchange, that is, commodity production. Surplus value has only been possible ever since the realization of generalized commodity production, to be distinct from former commodity production when someone would only barter or trade their surpluses. Generalized commodity production is what gives value it's value, alongside competition of course.

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