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I want to talk about private property, it’s original inspiration to according to modern private property, and it’s development as private property in bourgeois society.


Here's some quick historical context.


I didn’t say I want reading materia, I want to discuss.


But you didn't ask a question or anything. The clip is related to where private property comes from historically. Somebody could write what Mark Blyth said as a post but it would be the same thing. What's there to discuss exactly? The mercantile classes rose up against the nobility and took the state, then created private property as the means to make the commoners work for them as proles instead of peasants. That's the quick rundown version.


Wasn’t private property a kind of marriage of the old Roman private property law and the landed property laws of the feudal times?


What do we call the property of the peasants, small landowners who were expropriated with the rise of capital?


We have to look at a feudal legal code to know that tbh.

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