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Should I read theory in english or my native language? Until now I've only read in german but I never debate or discuss in german so I don't know which is better. Also, which language do you read theory?


In the original language if possible. Otherwise I read in English.


The Chinese translation of Capital is easier to read than the English one.


Brb gonna go learn Mandarin real quick to read Capital


It is always preferable to read texts in their original language.
also lies Marx verfickt nochmal auf deutsch.


Read it in German. English speakers can't think by essence because they don't know the etymologies of their words.


If you know the original language well, read it in the original language. (And certainly no shortage of good theory in German!) If not, well, the translator probably knows the language better than you. I learned this the hard way, trying to ploddingly get my way through Baudrillard and Badiou in French (which I can read, but slowly and not very well) rather than just going for the translation.

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