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File: 1621348899602.png ( 45.43 KB , 300x300 , chem.png )


Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
Cody'sLab, chemistry and physics: https://www.youtube.com/user/theCodyReeder
ChemistNATE, educational: https://www.youtube.com/user/chemistNATE


post it on /edu/


Back from other stuff.
Good idea. Perhaps a mod would be willing to move the thread.

Where to get chemicals
Useful chemicals can be found in many places. Read the material safety datasheets (MSDS) that goes with certain products. Useful places include:
Grocery stores
Hardware stores
Garden suppliers
Pool supply stores

Online suppliers in the EU:

Get borosilicate glass if you plan on heating things. *Do not use soda glass*. If you don't know what you have, assume it's soda glass.

Places to get equipment include:
Hardware stores
Educational equipment suppliers
China, search for "lab glassware" on https://www.aliexpress.com/ . *Beware of Chinese suppliers selling soda glass as borosilicate*, there's a sciencemadness forum thread about this.


What's the coolest thing you've made? better not be homemade crystals from /b/

I've made simple explosives but only legally for film props. if there's a revolution you can count on me to have smoke.


high temperature electrochemistry, but that's not very exciting for regular peeps. so, the usual: R-candy, smoke bombs and thermite

I have plans to "upgrade" some NaNO3 to KNO3 via metathesis with KCl. after that I might get into HNO3 synthesis by electrolysing bog water


>mfw caught my chemistry-hobbiest friend collecting rust in a bucket
He insisted it wasn't for thermite, but come on.


>I swear, it's for catalysing a fischer-tropsch reaction


File: 1622715455526-0.jpg ( 48.35 KB , 800x610 , AcOH.jpg )

File: 1622715455526-1.png ( 3.5 KB , 500x400 , SLE_Acetic_acid_Water_001.png )

I've been experimenting with ways of concentrating acetic acid. pic related is 4 ml ~66% AcOH by weight based on it being liquid at -20°C. freeze distillation worked best for this, but the yield isn't great: 4%

I tried simple distillation too, and despite AcOH and H2O not forming any azeotrope I didn't see much improvement over the 24% white vinegar I started with. it also formed copper acetate in my condenser, which I should have thought about tbh

next step is trying to drive off the water by mixing in IPA and distilling off the IPA+water mix (and resulting isopropyl acetate). molecular sieves would probably work better, but I don' have any


I forgot my freeze distillation method:

1) cool your white vinegar down enough to where it becomes a slurry and filter it until you get maybe 1/3 of the initial volume
2) put the mixture in a jar and stand it upright in a freezer
3) once the mixture has frozen, tip the jar over and let it sit in the freezer like that for a day
4) a small pool of liquid should have formed, separate from the frozen fraction. pour that off into a separate container

the concentration of the final fraction depends on the temperature in the freezer. the temperature must be above -26.7°C for this to work.

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