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File: 1620471161487-1.png ( 143.37 KB , 936x520 , one.png )

File: 1620471161487-2.png ( 105.79 KB , 902x476 , two.png )


Dialectical thinking is not only a western concept. There is a native Chinese tradition of dialectics within Taoism, that while similar to has some interesting differences when compared to western dialectics. Is this something worth exploring? It was very influential to Mao's thinking. Not to sound to much like a libtard but it seems exploring non western philosophy might be an interesting way to gain insights that might be otherwise ignored.


pics 2 and 3 make the different traditions of dialects look like completly alien concepts


>Circularity: No Development
that would be directly against the notion of DiaMat, then? i don't think Mao was inspired by that part of it, any way

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