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/edu/ - Education

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File: 1620188567162.jpeg ( 41.27 KB , 474x316 , digital_archive.jpeg )


I've made a backup of the bunkerchan.net /edu/ and /tech/ boards, since a couple of users mentioned that there were still some useful semi-active threads.
This is a direct offline mirror, those two boards should work properly. To enter, open /edu/index.html or /tech/index.html.
https://anonfiles.com/f4zd85u7u9/bunkerchan-edutech-archive_zip (about 400MB)

Let me know if there are any issues.


Nice, bumping.


Trying to download it but it keeps sending me to pop ups and downloads random shit


For real? I swear that site was fine last time I checked. Sorry.


When I have JavaScript turned off, it didn't give any ad pop-ups but if I have JS enabled it did until I clicked again. That site used to be the go-to but now it's flooded with ads and google trackers.
Anyone know a better long-term upload site?

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