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I'm looking for books on Middle Eastern politics and history. Give me some recommendations. Also, has anyone read this? Is it any good?


Orientalism by Edward Said is a must read. You don't have to aggree with everything he said, but you should still read it imo


If you're interested in Iran specifically, Between Two Revolutions is a good book written by a Marxist that presents the history of (mostly) 20th century Iran through that lens very well.


> Between Two Revolutions
Thank you very much for the recommendation.
I'd recommend "All the Shah's Men" by Kinzer on the topic of Iran. He has some other good books as well, such as "The Brothers" and "Poisoner-in-Chief".


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Hello everyone, OP here, I read all your books and they are very good. And I want to provide an update on picrel. I read it, and after reading a lot of different accounts on Lebanon and Hezbollah. I can say the book in picrel is accurate. The author isn't a Marxist, but is legitimate and gives a accurate understanding of the group and it's history. If anyone disagrees I would love to hear about it.

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