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Is there such a thing yet? Philosophy about data itself, datamining, neural networks, massive surveillance, etc.


Pretty weird because I was literally thinking the exact same thing this morning. You would think it’s pretty straight forward to make a dialectical analysis of the internet and its alienation and accumulation of data but it seems like no one has done it.


more likely, academic philosophy (and science's philosphy) is way too obscure and not vulgarized at all, cause I would be surprised none of them thought about theorizing that shit


Baudrillard and Virilio


philosophy of technology is your best bet. McLuhan, Packard, Mumford, Baudrillard

For specific current books on what you're talking about:
The age of surveillance capitalism
Surveillance Valley - The Secret Military History of the Internet


I think OP is talking more about the internet as a culture and it’s movements. An explanation for the rise and fall of internet communities would be an interesting endeavor.

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