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One of the recent trend in youtube video productions, and one of my favorite and best thing to come of this media imo, has been the birth of various field experts that start doing the work of actually explaining to the enthusiast various knowledge relevant to their skills, an act know as "vulgarization".

Vulgarization has always been a concern of science, because sharing the knowledge is an important part of the process, and many advances are made from people who just happen to have some relevant knowledge to a problem in their own field, or who need a problem fixed and hear of a new thing that might be applicable to their case. Nobody can build upon a knowledge he does not know yet.
But it was sadly limited by the need for the expert to use intermediaries, such as "science journalists", to reach a wide audience, with all the misconceptions someone not educated on the subject can bring, and the high cost for the enthusiast who'd like to know more of a subject, but can't really justify going to a specialist conference far away where he won't understand half of it just cause a subject sound interesting.

Youtube has allowed some of these more pedagogic experts to do focused vulgarization on important piece of their fields, with often surprising quality given the lack of financial means.

So here I will share my favorites ones, and ask you to share if you know of any good ones yourself, because sadly, all the ones I know of are in my own language.

First, Homo Fabulus, a biologist.
I recommend taking a look at his serie on morality, and it's potential biological origin.
(note: it's in french, but for that one there are english subtitles available)

Then, in rapid succession, cause they're in french only:

Mr Phi for philosophy : https://www.youtube.com/c/MonsieurPhi/videos
Science Etonnante, some preference on physics but will talk about all groundbreaking research regardless of field : https://www.youtube.com/c/ScienceEtonnante/videos
DirtyBiology, more biology: https://www.youtube.com/c/dirtybiology/videos
Fouloscopie, social psychology : https://www.youtube.com/c/Fouloscopie/videos
Horizon Gull, more social psychology, with special interest in cognitive bias and opinions : https://www.youtube.com/c/horizongull/videos
Sur le Champ, history and military tactics : https://www.youtube.com/c/Surlechamp/videos
Le vortex, generalist science/entertainment : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZxLew-WXWm5dhRZBgEFl-Q/videos
Linguisticae, language : https://www.youtube.com/c/Linguisticae/videos

No idea why youtube never recommended me some english ones, but I hope they also exist and some comrades have recommendations.


thunderf00t has some cringe content but he also does important work debunking dumb futurist meme tech


for history I like Military History Visualized

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