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>Be once in a millennia genius
>Writes big book detailing and explaining all his ideas and findings
>Explains something via a concept that he hasn't laid out yet and without which nobody can fully understand the explanation
>"Oh, don't worry anon! This concept I use here will be explained in chapter 7 of Volume 3 of this work"
>Goes on eating drinking and smoking like a pig
>Dies before he even finishes Vol 2
>Leaves Engels to guesstimate and extrapolate what he meant

Thanks, Karl, not like we needed all the knowledge we can get to fight the most powerful oppressive force in human history or nothing


Karl moment


He overestimated other People when leaving them to the task of finishing his work and he overestimated his own Health.

>Be once in a millennia genius

You know the more I read him, the more I am inclined to agree that he actually was


God damn it Karl.
>Send me money plz
>Thx for the wine haha my wife loved it too XD
>Umm fuck lassalle amirite?
>What are these asians up to???
>Dear lincoln, nigga u based



I think the greater tragedy was hegel
He had no Engels and died before anyone could grasp his concepts


Hegel was already very popular before he died.


He was sad after his wife died.


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ah the early 2010s good times


>>Be once in a millennia genius
This is correct


objectively a shit take. Communism is the cult of the idea man




There's no "take", it's a shitpost bro

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