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so what does this board have to offer


>Apple computer
disgusting saged


it was a gift :(


>west coast
even more disgusting sages again


the thing is uded from 2014 i live in a porr town


File: 1616475571648.jpg ( 90.65 KB , 645x1000 , 1616475544489.jpg )

Welcome newfriend, how leftist are you??


anyone serious here?


File: 1616475614254.pdf ( 18.6 MB , 210x300 , Eros at the banquet revie….pdf )

so are you just a yiff or are you political


willing to learn i guess my friend told me to post here so yeah


>>5230 willing to learn i guess my friend sent me


drop the name and lurk moar, faggot


File: 1616476022834.mp4 ( 3.94 MB , 720x576 , tiddies.mp4 )

This is a short read that acts as a good intro to socialism in general


ill check it out



File: 1616476610823.png ( 312.73 KB , 423x500 , topkek.png )



Mostly .pdf


nothing. it’s a bunch of pseuds equivocating on everything you say to feel smart


This board mainly offers books


any recommendations


File: 1616535254024.png ( 530.23 KB , 1920x1080 , MIA marxist introduction.png )





Faggot, please!!!!

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