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how do I convince zoomers that watching YouTubers and streamers is not a substitute for reading original texts?


pass them the handbook


there's no use.

ADHD has overtaken this generation, no one has the attention span for reading any more


We need more videos showing how fun reading is!


by being an interesting person that actually inspires people instead of a pseud sperg who talks down to everyone


You need to get them to love you. It's easier to teach them that way.


I think most already know but books are too boring for their attention span.


or we could bully them for not reading.




underrated post

Also most of you are like <25
communism will not be built online, it will be outside


This. Ever noticed how Zizek is overall, extremely humble. He never OWNS or DESTROYS anyone, despite his clear intellectual superiority. Read theory, live your life and inform people when you can (like actually sum up ideas, don't just tell people to read books, it's okay for leftists to not read theory, shit's hard, however if they are arrogant about not reading they should be thoroughly destroyed in discussion), those who aren't just brainlets will abandon the Vaush crowd after a year or so.


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This is essentially the question of how to get zoomers to understand their brains and their minds have been shattered by a universe of superfluous approaches to anything even slightly intellectual and constant flashing lights designed to distract them, and also how to help them break that cycle of distraction and start toughening their minds up to be able to handle anything more complex. Whether the topic is socialism or any other, watching youtube videos or streams is and always be an inadequate substitute for the real intellectual and mental nourishment found in books. I mean, really, the only meaningful course of action would be to find a way to help them improve their lives in general unironically. This can't be done over the internet. So, maybe approach zoomers in real life and try to impact their lives?!?
The fundamental fact about this kind of zoomer is that they HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment), because reading for them is genuinely harder than for anyone who already has built that habit or just isn't stuck in the whirlwind of ADHD internet content! And, also important to remember is that reading probably it's gonna seem even harder than it really is before they actually do it, cause the human brain naturally recoils at being challenged to do something harder than it is accustomed to. Plus, many of them will have been presented with an exaggerated estimation of how hard reading actually is their whole lives, or at least have created that estimation for themselves in order to have an excuse to not do it.
Finally, it's good to regard that reading doesn't mean you have to read every volume of Capital (although the first is pretty mandatory IMO), all of Althusser's work, along with all of Cockshott, Hegel, Lenin, and all of Zizek and Chomsky to boot. Only some people will have that much interest and motivation, but really reading Capital Vol1 shouldn't be built up like some fuckin Everest only to be climbed by big-brains, it's really not that hard really.


>The fundamental fact about this kind of zoomer is that they HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment)

Meant: HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment) is an appropriate substitute for reading actual theory because reading for them is genuinely harder than for anyone who already has built that habit or just isn't stuck in the whirlwind of ADHD internet content!

>And, also important to remember is that reading probably it's gonna seem even harder than it really is before they actually do it

Meant: reading is gonna seem even harder than it really is, TO THEM before they actually do it


I'm building on the premise of interpolation.

We've all been raising under Capitalism and have, as a result, had the profit motive deeply ingrained into us. Here I slightly part from rigid marxist line, and say that the profit motive here isn't only economic; it's also libidinal, psychological. The question one asks once they look at a book is, is it worth it? Even if they know, and admit in conversation that they should read it, they won't. To appropriate a Marx qoute "they don't know it, but they're doing it" one could argue today, in a different context, that they do know, yet they're still not doing it. How do we get people to read, I think good videos do inspire the viewer to want to learn. It's somehow getting them to take the "plunge" which seems to be the insurmountable task.



Tell them that many of the key ideas of the books are already discussed in the internet, thus, making it easier for them to catch up. For example, telling them to take their time to learn some important economic concepts instead of diving right into Das Kapital; showing them what they'll encounter in a certain book; just preparation in general, makes it easier for them.


This is why starting them on a beginner text is good

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