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File: 1608528395970.jpg ( 20.92 KB , 259x386 , Marxism_and_the_Oppression….jpg )


>The author voices concern that the philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels failed to incorporate women's oppression into their critiques of capitalism.
What is "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" for $300, Trebek?


Have you read The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, OP?


File: 1608528396599-0.png ( 501 KB , 1000x1450 , Clara Zetkin feminism.png )

File: 1608528396599-1.png ( 94.24 KB , 924x466 , Kollontal - feminists.png )

You're both twits, instead of simply reading the theoretical observations, look at practical applications in actual revolutions; The Paris Commune, Cuba, and most importantly 1917 and the USSR.


obligatory dumbass tankie post


Not him but what's so dumb about it? And I hope, that you know Zetkin and Kollontai are not Tankies


>Hurr ur tankie
1) That's not an insult except in the minds of childish thorylet ankids and their infantile fantasies
2) There is no argument. Feminism is a goal, not a method, and to practice it is to practice identity politics and therefore, go against Socialism
3) The practical results of the USSR demonstrate success. In the USA the Suffragettes barely achieved anything other than 'voting' and 2nd/3rd wave feminism was mostly liberal contrarianism that porky used to pit men against women creating sectarian divides based on mostly bourg pseudoscience. In the USSR women had maternity leaves and accommodations for them, they could take ANY work they wanted but were also not pressured to choose tradionally masculine labour just to be contrarian. They had equal rights and their place in the labour force appropriately complimented men, just as men complimented them, rather than competing over nothing. Women in the Red Army were usually nurses but NOTHING stopped them from being ordinary soldiers and killing Nazi scum, nothing stopped them from leading factories and being awarded for heroism and labour.

That is real women's rights, and not some imagined whining.


>only "theorylets" dislike MLs


Leftcoms and ancoms who aren't bad faith idealists disagree with MLs and may oppose them, but do not resort to petty emotional "hurr ur tankie", in-part because this argument is easy to flip right back at them and also in part because it is immature and not an argument, as you still don't have one.

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