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Has anyone read it? What do you think of its attempt at refuting marxism, its socioeconomic analysis, and Hegelian logic?


Gib .pdf plz


Ty but my phone won't let me load that link

Did you know you can upload .pdfs here?

Or is it a huuuge file and that's why my phone no like?


Not OP. It's 23 MB.


Former Marxists make the worst Enemies imo


Why the worst? Shouldn't they be the best enemies because they have the most ammo and a better understanding than your average reactionary?


Yeah because they have an understanding, they make the worst enemies. It'll be much harder to convince them again


Nah if they ever did understand the material they wouldn't be former Marxists

At least hopefully they'll have some superficial understanding of theory which makes things easier


>Nah if they ever did understand the material they wouldn't be former Marxists
No one can ever have an intellectually honest disagreement with Marx? C'mon man I'm a Marxist and this is religious tier thinking.


Does anyone have a critique of the Book?


Not without being Marxist in the same way that one cannot have an intellectually honest disagreement over the fact that objects tend to fall down within a gravity well absent countervailing force

Well that is unless one misunderstands the material


Bunkerchan is super slow for me. I'll hopefully look into it soon. I'm of the thought that materialist hegelianism is the peak of human thought. I don't think it can be refuted, only transcended. Maybe the way he build his arguments is bunk, but the conclusions seem very sound.


I can only guess because I just started the Book, but I think he will argue that, because Hegelian Dialectics can't be refuted, it is dangerous. It serves as a way to justify every Despotical System etc. Completely Bollocks in my Mind, but he is probably an Analytic Faggot


The Cover looks Badass ngl


stop embarrassing yourself




he was spot on though



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