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File: 1608528388079.jpg ( 25.56 KB , 1200x630 , 1340276._UY630_SR1200,630_.jpg )


Any enthusiasts of it on the board? I have read a good chunk of Andrew Kliman's Reclaiming Marx's Capital, but I admit that it mostly clears the deck of red herrings rather than makes an argument for a rigorous mathematical formulation of marxist economics.

In particular it does explicitly formulate how the tprf leads to recurring recessions (directly or indirectly).

I have an electronic copy of the pic book but haven't read it yet.


*it does NOT explicitly formulate


Can you please give me a copy of the book so I can read it?

I am not some kind of enthusiast TSSI guru but I do want to get into it.

There was this test done at one point on predicting prices and the TSSI outperformed both the subjective tov and marxist ltv version of theauthor's.


File: 1739546193611.jpg ( 131.05 KB , 307x475 , The Long Depression.jpg )

>In particular it does not explicitly formulate how the trpf leads to recurring recessions (directly or indirectly).
Michael Roberts covers this extensively. Give this a read.

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