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/edu/ - Education

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I feel like the busywork is college is draining my desire to live. How do people make it through four years of this?


You don't.


Just deal with it, you don't want to be struggling to survive if you have the chance to get an education to get a better job and therefore more money for praxis. Think of it as your mini long march of your individual life to become less of a wage slave, assuming your degree gives higher salaries. Many proles work jobs, raise kids, and also do college, so you can too comrade. I hope you are finished on time good luck


that’s what I thought at first, and now I did so poorly that I’m doing it in 5 years


Had the same thing but I managed to scrape through with the grade I wanted in the end.
I like this though
>Think of it as your mini long march of your individual life to become less of a wage slave
But it'll depend on what motivates you. What motivates you comrade?


Same as >>4515 and I also owe my university a lot of money, so chop-chop if you don't want to end up like me.

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