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File: 1608528381894.jpg ( 266.67 KB , 574x497 , myanmar.jpg )


I need suggestions of things to translate into English.

>ideally fairly short (not a book)

>classic text or unsung new author
>something awesome.

this is along term project I am starting with the New Multitude magazine and we already have one translation completed (Blood and Earth (1958) by Bamaw Tin Aung) and are looking for more.

any suggestions?


We have a translation thread my friend. There are suggestions posted there.


this is a different project and I don't want to get it confused with the ongoing project on that thread.


File: 1608528383572.jpg ( 651.16 KB , 804x1200 , book.jpg )

imma scan Manuel de Survie by Cesarano sometime cause i couldnt find it anywhere online, i could send it here as a mega link or something when i get around to it i guess
(unless you can find a scan of it already, or even better, an english translation)


what's it about?

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